How do MLM'ers get new leads after all the house parties, friends and families?
After years of trying to find more leads for MLMs I have finally found a way that works. If you are like me and have run into the issue of going through your family, friends and too many "house parties" (how do you hold a house party on a live-aboard boat?) to try and introduce people to your MLM then you know the frustration of having your up-line tell you, "just do what I do." The more times I heard this the madder I got.
What about the people who are introverts and don't do well meeting strangers? Or what about being told to "sell the sizzle" and never mind about the product!
I even had one up-line lady tell me, "Oh, I just grab their hand and roll the product on them." (this was a beauty mask) - now I don't know your background but I come from law enforcement and am a doctor. Yeah, that's going to work in today's environment...
Well, we know that doesn't work so well for most of us.
But I still got no answers as to how to go about getting new, fresh leads everyday.
Now, as I am sure you know, we have to get in front of as many people as we can to show what our product can do.
I was told years ago that a person had to see your information or ad 3 times before they will respond and that the average person only sees the information 1 in 7 times. So that means you have to show up in front of them 21 times before they will "see" the information and respond.
So, how do you do that?
In today's social media that means posting every day. You knew that.
That also means getting as many followers as you can in places like FaceBook. You knew that too.
But how do you do that?
I finally found the answer to the question: "Where do I get new leads from?"
This program actually works and helps you get new leads everyday. Best of all, you can even re-sell it with 100% commissions direct to your account.
Yup, you can resell this program and make your money back!!! And, you don't have to give up your current MLM, just add this into the mix. HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!
We have trainings 3 times a week, a $1000.00 random drawing every Monday Night and plenty of training.
PLUS - I refuse to leave anyone behind.
Go to and watch the video.
If you have any questions, e-mail me at
Here's to your success!!!
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