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Your Passion Into A Paycheck!

What if you could choose whatever products that you wanted to sell? 


You didn't have to worry about finding that perfect MLM and hoping it's not a scam.... 


Scared the company might change that compensation plan right before you get that big bonus. 


There was no need to pay a large setup fee and/or buy products that might not sell and you'll be stuck with for the rest of your life. 


Are you tired of your sponsor telling you that anyone can succeed, but he is telling you to do things he would never do... 


I personally joined a "reputable" MLM company back in 2017. I really loved the products they were selling. They had been around for many years and had an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau. 


As I moved up through the ranks of the company everything seemed great! I was making more and more money each week. I had worked 50 hours a week for months and I had finally achieved the biggest bonus the company offers! $10,000! 


I had met all of the qualifications for their $10,000 bonus! I was ecstatic and felt that all this whole MLM is a scam talk was just for the weak at heart. 


Well, as it turns out I never received that $10,000 bonus and they told me that they had other qualifications that I didn't meet. 


These qualifications were simply made out of thin air and an were clearly an excuse to not pay out this large bonus. 


What could I do... 


Well, there wasn't much. I was just one guy going against a large MLM company that has been around for 30+ years. 


What was the lesson learned... 


Don't let another company control your destiny and put your future in their hands. Letting them decide what you can and can't do. When you get paid and sometimes in my situation if you get paid at all... 


Luckily this MLM company not paying me my hard earned bonus was a blessing in disguise. 


At the time it was nearly impossible to see this as a blessing. 


What I stumbled upon next was something I was unaware even existed. Something that didn't cost much money to get started. 


It offered amazing resources and a community of people that were willing to help others without worrying about how they could get into your wallet. 


Instead of me having to find that perfect product with that perfect commission plan I was able to choose any type of product on the internet I wanted to sell. I could market that product how I wanted to and when I wanted to. 


I could follow my passion and didn't have to worry about some MLM company I just joined is going to go under or change their compensation plan right before that big bonus. 


So here is what I found. 


I found a community of 1.5 million people. People that are all working together to achieve the same goal. 


The goal is to share their passion with the world. Whether that is selling t-shirts, offering your favorite products, writing reviews on your favorite products, or even marketing your current MLM company. 


A community of 1.5 million people, with a company that has been in business for more than 13 years. 


Check out the below 5 minute video that explains how to start generating income from your laptop:

Become part of the community  by clicking FOLLOW MY PASSION

This article was published on 19.01.2019 by Jay S.
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