Why Did i Join
The question is , why did i join Mary Kay?, I am a Finance Manager, took me a long time to get to a place i actually enjoyed and be respected as a working business women in a world of all men, literally in a Dealership that pretty much all you get. So why did I join?
I moved to Ontario in October, I had a baby back in August the most beautiful thing that could of happened to me but being a parent is tough, its no easy job, he was born with acid re-flux which in many occasions felt as colic, at all hours of day and night I had a crying baby, he couldn't tell me what was wrong or what hurt. There came a point that I felt I needed more help, and support, my husband was working and I didn't have much family around, that's when we decided to move to Ontario where his whole family is.
Life at home after working all your life is not easy, I was dreading leaving my son and going back to work, not to mention that after the COVID outbreak the majority of the population is also looking for a job as we speak. So I came across this advertisement a lady in a group was making about joining Mary Kay, I like makeup and taking care of myself I thought to myself, I should just try it out. My first night I cried, I was invited to a virtual party and the way these women spoke, my story was just like theirs, I don't know anyone , stuck in a hard place in life one way or another, and they all surpassed it, its amazing to me they support each other its not all about making the money, of course that's important but they are huge on making each other grow, I've been working for maybe a month and the product not only sells itself but I've discovered a courage and a passion I never knew I had, there has been training non stop since I joined and I bother my coach at least 30 times a day with questions. There aren't words to truly express how i feel because it is a feeling that no other company and no one has ever been able to accomplish before, Its one of those things women need to try so that they can make their own opinion and feel as amazing and loved as I do, yes , Loved . I am on top of the world and everything is in my fingertips. I can achieve all my goals even if i have to work a little harder each day to get there.
If you like my story , Please Join me , you wont regret it for a single second and I will be there every step of the way , so will at least 300 other women.
https://www.facebook.com/barbsmarykay Thats my facebook Page. Message me , lets talk
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