The purpose of CC is to enable active involvement in climate protection projects, through the protection of forests and fast, simple, cheap and transparent tools for rewarding manufactured goods, performed services, verification and storage of transactions, participation in guaranteed activities in games, etc.
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Project PCH (PaulowniaChamomileHemp) is aimed at planting, growing, finishing and processing three odavrane culture paulownia, chamomile and cannabis. Paluownia, chamomile and hemp are planted on our own plantations, the model that provides the most optimal multi-year revenue. Treatment of chamomile and hemp, which is in the same year sow on the same site, One for the second, carried out in a specific way that multiply income in relation to the analytical procedures of processing so that we use procedures sham that give ultrarafinirani distillate minimum purity of 93%.
Green Blaster® je sredstvo za folijarnu dohranu bilja koje se može uspješno koristiti na otvorenom i unutar staklenika. Sastoji se od kalcijeva karbonata dopunjenog brojnim važnim mikro hranjivima. Većina GreenBlaster® čestice je tako mala (<10 um) da može biti apsorbirana izravno kroz pući od lišća biljke. Unutar lišća čestice GreenBlastera® se razbijaju i ispuštaju CO2 i druge tvari izravno u listu Nizak sadržaj CO2 u normalnom zraku (0,04 vol.%) dovodi do toga da većina industrijskih biljka ne uspijeva postići optimalnu, a kamo li maksimalnu razinu fotosinteze. Uz pretpostavku da su temperaturni uvjeti povoljni, a postoji dovoljna opskrba hranjivim tvarima i vodom, maksimalna razina fotosinteze se postiže na oko 0,1 vol.% CO2. Korištenje vanjskog gnojiva GreenBlaster® biljkama se omogućava izravna apsorpcija CO2 čime se poboljšava izvedba fotosinteze. Osim toga, učinak je dodatno poboljšan mikronutrijenatima sadržanim u GreenBlaster®.
Project lumbre GREEN is based on the processing of biodegradable waste by using California red worms into high-quality humus in their own lumbre GREEN factory in Varazdin. Located on 18,000 square meters factory will annually produce and packaged 2,700 tons of humus and 108 tonnes of dried Worms in the value of 2.413 million euros.
PCH BOND token Is digitized equivalent counterparty in the project PCH. Each character PCH BOND published on the public platform blockchain Greenstreet in order to be fully transparent and kontrolibilan. On the basis of ownership of PCH BOND token owner is entitled to the fees associated with an investment destination tank PCH BOND What has been chosen as a model investment. INFORMATION ON the owner PCH BOND are not an integral part of PCH BOND and thus these data are not available to the public.
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