Last year I was approached and asked if I had heard of Redox Signalling Molecules? The answer was no. When I delved into it, I found out that there was a distribution centre here in New Zealand and that I could pay in NZD. I watched the videos to learn about this very simple product and how to take it. I spoke with a couple of the up line.
The one thing that I found out was you don't stop taking what you're taking. I'm a great one for taking vitamins. This product enhances what ever you're taking. As with Natural Products, they take a little time for the inner self to get going. It's my personal preference to stay off chemical products for as long as possible. The most important thing is to keep in touch with your doctor when need be.
I group that I joined is very informative and helpful. No one is left out. I've been taking this morning and night, and I'm one for wanting to try something that's new for a while to see what differences occur (and remember that everyone is different).
What I've experienced is sleeping well, a lot calmer when things aren't going too well, my Ear wax Nurse has noticed a difference (less wax), my balance is how it should be, I'm not nibbling the same, my muscles are more relaxed. (I have gone from having a massage every 10 weeks to every 15 weeks).
The videos are amazing to watch on all sorts of ailments. I've watched some at least three times to understand what people go through in life. They are all personal experiences of what people have found. I have never come across something so detailed, and it can be all accessed when ever you want.
Watching the videos on how this product came about is amazing. It's incredible what people believe in and the vision. I'm pleased that I was approached and it's my passion to pass on the information.
For more information
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