How To Generate Unlimited Leads From The Palm Of Your Hands
One thing thats really cool about online sales pro is the fact that they have app that tells you everytime you have a lead and lets you manage your leads from the palm of your hands. I found this very useful since i am always one the go and rarely am home to be on my laptop. Some of the features of the app and website are an email and text message autoresponder. OSP has there system set up so that everytime a lead fills out the form with there info they automatically get a pre-written text message or email that OSP has ready... you can also edit the email and text message autoresponder to suit your needs. This is what OSP means by you can literally put your business on autopilot.. After alot of grinding people just sign up because your sales funnels, and autoresponders do all of the work for you and you get to just sit back and watch as your phone blows up all day with thousands of leads. When you do get a lead and your phone is on loud you will be greeted with a pleasant CHA CHING!!! and a text message notifaction saying you've got a new lead. To me that is the most satisfying sounds ever. Overtime i had to actually turn my phone on vibrate due to it blowing up with leads all day. if it was not the OSP app it was my social media with people asking me what i do for a living.
Vincent Ortega JR'S Story
As you all know vincent ortega jr is the entrepreneur who created online sales pro and im going to tell you a little bit about his story as well as some additional ways hes provided for members of osp to make money. Vincent was very young when he got his at the time girlfriend pregnant and he had to find a way to make money so that he could provide for his coming child. He was apart of an MLM that told him to go chasing people in the mall for leads and to bug your friends and family and try to get them to join... unfortunately he burned alot of bridges doing this with his MLM business and he thought that there had to be another way. He then started thinking of ways people could generate leads online without having to bother there friends and family. After alot of daydreaming and planning he came up with the Online sales Pro system and started to develope a plan to make it happen. Fast forward several years down the road and hes an 8 figure earner and hes giving people the opportunity to do the exact same thing he did in 99% less time with way more tools than he ever had getting started. I would highly recommend anyone in any business to try out OSP. A free trial for 7 days will cost you nothing and you have nothing to lose. if you dont like the system then cancel the free trial . you can check out OSP at
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