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I hate to recruit

People say I hate to recruit, and I want to talk to people. You can't find a simpler business than traffic traffic is the lifeblood of every business. So I mean, I get pitched a minimum of 25 times a day. I'm sure many of you get pitched every single day on a new opportunity, instead of fighting with each other and saying, you know why programs better here's ways to join me in that mean, join you and just a big fiasco every time you talk to somebody, you know, it's a man I'm happy for him excited that sounds amazing. Hey, why don't you think about advertising that here with us before he freaks out today and make an additional income stream at the same time? I mean, there's not anything to think about for 1295 I've said it and I'll say it again that I spend that much as soon as I wake up in the morning and turn on the light switch full of 95 is gone. You know, there's nothing to think about. Let's not even a pizza anymore. So 43 cents a day to be in business for yourself. One time $10 admin 2295 is less than half the cost that it takes to get involved in some of these $10 programs, which is usually 50 To get started because of the admin fees. So less than half the cost of that and you get to advertise anything you want to advertise. You're in two different businesses. You can advertise both businesses at the same time. We have a minimum credit impression now of 600 credits, and people value so people were asking what is an impression? An impression is somebody viewing your banner or text ad? That means somebody on the website went through the scrolling around and viewed your banner or text that doesn't mean they clicked on it. It means that they viewed it. But please keep in mind this is a penny per impression. So we're not charging by the click. It's a pity for impression and you get to make money at the same time. So again, we have a three by four matrix. There's $1 Level One, two and three $3 On level $282. And a three by four matrix that's more than 90% of the people in MLM have ever made. Most people have never made $5 And that is that is to say, but here people are already filling three by four matrix is got a handful of people we just launched that already. handful of people outside of their three by four matrix. How do you earn outside of your three by four matrix, you have four generations of 10% match. You sponsor one, you get the first generation to the second three, the third, four matches up the comp plan. That's top rank. Okay, what other company has a tough wrinkle for people? Nobody looked as your traffic other than I know. And so what is for create, it creates spillover, which is what everybody's looking for. Every single person where's my spillover? Where's my spillover for the first time ever? People are seeing spillover and tears of traffic. People are excited people are pouring in. I mean, we couldn't be more excited that you guys to see the growth that we're experiencing because like I said, people need to advertise their business and and again, maybe I'll take some backlash for that. But I've spent buku dollars for my 21 year trying to figure out what traffic is better. And to be honest with you, I haven't found one. In 21 years searching has spent $30,000 on solo ads, promoting different companies. Using different solo ad vendors. You get a lot of options, giving you that warm, fuzzy feeling that you get a good bang for your buck. But those lists are beaten up there. They've been those leads have been resold over and over and over and over and so why spend $100 on a campaign $200 $500 $1,000 There's no need for it. It's not like gets you anywhere. I mean, I've been there done that. I've learned the hard way. You don't have to learn the hard way. But here for a penny per impression. Okay, maybe it's not going to be the greatest traffic source known to man. Okay, but you're going to get traffic to your website for a penny per impression. And keep in mind when you're running your ads and what you're putting on your ads. You're representing your promotion, so put yourself in other people's shoes. What do you want to see? What what do you want to be sold? And that's what's going to sell and right now, what's selling is Tesla traffic. I'm a little biased of course but people are looking for something cheap and easy. That has check matching bonuses beyond belief. And if you get bored, you get bored through six generations. That's just under $10,000 a month and check matching bonus on a 1295 program. That's crazy, crazy, crazy money and if you get 10 who get 10 the numbers get astronomical. I mean, it's there's no limit on the income that you can make here with Tesla traffic. So what if you're just matching on outside of the three by four matrix and you're not picking up the dollar or you're just getting the match on somebody else's matrix. You're helping create spillover for somebody else outside of your three by four, which is motivating them every time a three by four opens up anymore in your four generations. It's like a whole new day center for you. There's unlimited depth with four generations of check match. I mean, it could land on like Paul said on another call 100 level 134. And it's your fourth generation or something like that. I mean that the numbers get crazy when you sponsor more than four. So all I've been doing is you know people say Oh Jeremy, you have a list you have a secret formula. People aren't telling where are the trainings and the teachings on what I need to do and what I need. To say, How do I need to say, Stop stressing about all that. It's just a simple copy and paste. You'd have to get it out in front of people. If you're not sending it to anybody at any every day. Then you're not winning. You're not growing. So I send it to 50 people a day minimum, whether it be Facebook Messenger Telegram, you know, sometimes I even get on Snapchat. Because my my wife my wife always joke she had no friends. Your friends are network marketers. We're we're in the business of money. Okay, and not to sound like greedy people. But you know, money is right up there with oxygen. You need it to breathe. You need it to be stress free and to enjoy the time and freedom with the family and go out and do things and maybe come over to our traveling side and knock some things off your bucket list and just enjoy life. And so in the process of living your life sure your business might take my kids to the doctor's office, we're sitting in the waiting room. That's what I'm doing. I'm not on Facebook. I'm not looking at reels. I'm not wasting time I'm out there sending messages to other network marketers and letting them know what we have here. It changed your life have them advertise and help them make money at the same time. So while I'm sitting there instead of getting angry at the doctor for taking an hour and a half I'm they're making money why the doctor see my kid. I mean, it's it's a no brainer. It's really simple to do what we do. And like I said, every network marketer, every entrepreneur, business owner, they're looking for ways to advertise their business. And what a great way for 1295 43 cents a day. It's not going to get any cheaper with small matrix the matrix is not going to get any smaller. It's just not going to get any simpler if you can't build this. I mean, you might as well cut off the Wi Fi and phone on the trash. That's really how I feel. I mean, it's not going to get any simpler than this. People are always looking where's the passive program? I want to earn two and a half percent on my money or 5% on my money a day. And then 90 days maybe if you got a good one at last year, and then phone broke full. money's gone. Some people I know, refinance their house, their whole retirement and they're believing in that crap. And I'm sorry to tell you burst your bubble. There really is no thing. No such thing as passive income. You have to work for what you get. And that's the whole word, their net work. You got to work to get the net. So but we have something simple, something to get excited about and help people change their lives through Tasman traffic and also test travel where we can help people enjoy their lives and make money at the same time.

Back to you. Yeah, so when you combine both programs together, you've got your multiple streams of income right there right now. I mean, the bottom line it's all about money, right? You know, from 1295 and 2995. What more could you ask for? Real simple, simple method of operation and all those we do is you you get on your Facebook profile or you do a little Facebook Live on your profile and you just let people know that you've got a way to show them how to get paid to run traffic right all these advertising companies on the internet right now asking you for money to advertise on their platforms. Now we can literally tell people, how would you like to get paid nevermind paying How would you like to get paid for running traffic? All right, get paid for advertising, your primary business of choice for your primary businesses of choice. So with that, and we have the Jeremy myself and Tracy we're gonna let you go on to Sunday night. We're gonna be back again next Sunday night. We'll do something a little bit different. Just wanted to give you a quick rundown as to how it works. What's happening here right here in the now and tomorrow. We'll be doing our first real official zoom calls for TAZEW traffic at 1pm Eastern 7pm Eastern and 9pm Eastern tomorrow night

So, please, by all means,

check this out while you still can.

You may regret it if you don’t check it out.

3 live calls Monday - Thursday

1,7,& 9 PM EST

This article was published on 30.04.2024 by Michael A. Denny
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