Scentsy Sale/Buddy Drive/Recruiting/Hosting a party!!!!
Scentsy is spoiling the heck out of us!! They are definitely in the spirit of giving!
Starting at 1pm EST, TODAY, we will be having a 48-hour flash sale with items up to 40% off. Don’t miss it! Great opportunity to start your Christmas shopping or even finishing your shopping for your loved ones, friends, coworkers, teachers, etc…..
Shopping Link:
Also We are doing a Buddy Drive to help the Ronald McDonald House this year for Christmas. We are donating Buddies to children at the Ronald McDonald House. Buddies can be ordered on the site above but shipped to the below address.
Ship Buddies To:
Arium Trailwood ATTN Tina King
3004 Dorner Circle
Raleigh NC 27606
If you are unable to order a buddy….any donation amount would help and I would order the buddy on your behalf.
Also, if this is something you are interested in being apart of or you like what I am doing. Let’s chat about you starting your own business with Scentsy!!!! We have a wonderful team and this company is amazing with so many opportunities to advance. The holidays are the best time to start a business and make some extra income for your family. Plus I would be by your side every step of the way to help you succeed. So let’s chat and get you started today. You will be glad you did before the holidays!!!!!
I am accepting Hostesses for November and December. If you are interested in earning free and half off products let’s get you booked. We have Personal shopping links that you can use for yourself as well as share with friends and family, we have Bag parties, Facebook parties and Home parties (if you are local to me). Message me if your interested.
If you are just looking something for yourself. I can give you a personal shopping link to use and still get the hostess credits when your orders reach qualifications or you can just use the shopping link above whichever you prefer. I am here to help in anyway. Feel free to ask me any questions or for help with choosing the right scents or products. I love helping my customers and spoiling them.
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