Is it possible NOT TO FALL IN LOVE with Eric Worre after Recruiting Challenge ?
It all started on November 11 and finished just a few moments ago (November 19). I am going to attempt to recap all seven days, which covered a lot of ground, taught a lot of things, and where a lot of people experienced incredible breakthrough. Please take this message & share it with your friends. I have got so much value from the 7 day challenge so I want you to touch few impressions from this event. As it helped me to become a better network marketing professional, I am sure it can help you too. I am so excited about the future, about the skills to grow my network marketing. I'm proud of myself for learning all these skills, I’m proud of facing my fears. I'm proud of taking steps to get out of your comfort zone, I'm proud of responding to challenges, I'm proud of getting a ticket to Go Pro, but primarily I am so proud for choosing network marketing in the first place. I'm excited to be able to share some of the highlights of this event with you but before I do that I would strongly recommend: if you don’t have a ticket to Virtual GoPro, which starts December 11th – do not wait a single moment. We are 22 days away from the biggest event in network marketing history and you shall not like to miss it. If you don't have your ticket yet get it by the end of the day Monday, November 23rd and You will get access to all of these incredible bonuses offered by the speakers during the Recruiting Challenge. So there are: three packages offered by Eric Worre: Social Media Mastery home study course, Seven skills in seven days, How to recruit 20 people in 30 days, Pete Vargas's Communicate to Convert masterclass, Dean Graziosi‘s: Start over Challenge, Fraser Brook’s: Succeed with Instagram Stories, Les Brown’s Network Marketing Speaker training and Choosing Your Future course, Trent Shelton's 5 R’s to Freedom course, Pat Quinn’s six month subion to, John Maxwell's Mentors Guide to Building Your Own Business, Rachel Pekarek’s Create Unlimited Content for Social Media, and Jesse Lee Ward’s Scripts. All of that $4,530 you get 4 free but all of that goes away on Monday November 23rd end of the day. You got from now till then to tell your friends about this awesome opportunity to participate in NETWORK MARKETING UNIVERSITY 2020. Registere here.
Just to taste what Erik Worry can provide virtually, I am going to present to you the Golden Nuggets from each network market professor where they shared their biggest takeaway from seven days of Recruiting Challenge. Danien Feier & Stefania LoGotto: If you’re dedicated & want to make it happen you can! Windows of opportunity arise and where focus goes energy flows. Jefferson Santos: Recruiting and business are never over – it is an infinite game and work is just beginning. Attract your tribe! Jordan Adler: We live in a world of social media, where we can have an unlimited opportunity. On the flipside we’re in information overwhelm. You need to simplify things and give yourself a plan of action. Tony & Sarah Zalecki: Work every day like it's the last day of the month. Be willing to be messy while you're learning. Don't need the perfect invite or tool. It's more about the non-verbal communication and posture. Armands Murnieks: You must expose yourself and your team to other leaders in this profession. Rachel Pekarek: The importance of telling your story and taking consistent action when no one else is watching. Ricky & Francoise Untermeyer: The power of being exposed to people and information that are where you want to be and the power of showing up. Whithey Husband: Be the most authentic and real person and stay true to yourself. John Haremza: Leading by example, the power of watching your outside influences, life is not what happens but rather how you respond to it. Ann Fisher: We all started at zero . Don't ever stop believing in your dreams. The most successful people have heard that most NOs. Social media is your friend. Tom Chenault: Have a reason bigger than your excuses. Jesse Lee Ward: You have to show up even when it's not convenient. People are attracted to people who know where they are going. Enthusiasm is contagious. The power of having a conviction in network marketing. The power of learning from top recruiters without question. You cannot be your biggest enemy. Be a friend to yourself!
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BTW. The answer to the question in the title is: NO IT IS NOT POSSIBLE NOT TO FALL IN LOVE with Eric Worre.
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