Christian Team Build Project
Greetings everyone:
We are gathering together to create wealth on the internet through the power of Biblical Unity and we are praying for the world at the same time. If you have a moment please check out Psalm 131 and Genesis 11:6. You will find out how Biblical Unity works, it is all about people being on the same page. When we are in unity nothing is impossible to us, where there is unity we receive a commanded blessing. Blessing meaning: we are empowered to prosper, and whatever we put our hands to will work. These are promises we can walk in when we come together.
We are applying this concept to affiliate marketing, referral marketing, network marketing, etc. Whatever name you want to use, we are applying this concept too. Our goal is too use One Time Payment programs and Low Cost monthly programs to create wealth. Starting with Low Cost out of pocket expenses and moving up to greater income with our profits, never coming out of pocket again. We are not just using any programs, we are choosing programs that have stood the test of time; thereby adding stability to what we are doing. These programs also have products in which you can save money on everyday purchases and tools for marketing. I believe you will enjoy the products we offer and the income potential that is available for each program.
Another reason why we have chosen these programs, in addition to them standing the test of time, is the competency of the owner. It is important to be involved with programs that respond quickly to your questions. What I really like is the fact that, with some of the programs you can actually pick up your phone and call them. That is a thing I look for in a program, how accessible are you? They also respond to emails quickly which is a blessing when you have a pressing issue.
So as I like to say , "we are earning and praying for the world at the same time". We look at what we are doing as also a ministry. With all that is going on in the world, we pray for people's health, safety, and prosperity. We also accept prayer requests from all over the world. You are going to love what we are doing, so please join us. view here
Thank you
Don Dudley
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