In 1959 I had surgery for my Appendix. I died for four minutes (Thank you Lord) you had a plan for me to live and do (MY WHY) Purpose. Born in Ohio but not raised there. My dad was ARMY & we moved much. My surgery took place in STATE OF WASHINGTON. The family traveled to Turkey when I was five years old. At the age of 8 I started my first job cleaning an artist shop plus my Grand Father owned and operated a Janitorial Service. My duties were to clean the office floors in a timely manner. So I could put stripe floors to remove wax. Then the striper machine was run, then I picked up that water removed the water from the floor. Mopped up to let it dry and wax was applied by the men crew. The Legacy of business was in my blood. Born in Ohio and my Uncle that raised my dad worked for GM...owned and operated a gasoline station, trucking company & did farming. *I attended Military School 1967-1970! The Annual Ball took place every May. The Academy had a history of over hundred years. Former Cadets attended and shared with us their WAR stories, Some good & most some not too good! "That's All I Have To Say About That." A quote from Forrest Gump, The Movie Of The Year in 1996. I was company commander "D" the youngest Cadets for age 5 (a senators son) to 8. Having four companies at least 200 member in all.
Last but not least the business I joined/started to help people. Over 400,000 died from Opioid addictions in 2017. International Network Marketing of Cannabis Hemp CBD & Oil Products. 80 plus two coming Coffee and Free samples of Pain Away. 60-day money back guarantee. Ship aka drop ship to 25 countries (from a warehouses) Headquarter in California Offices in Nevada & UK. and coming in January 2021 ((( AFRICA ))) NOTE not certain to where the Offices & Warehouse will be located...yet!! www.keelslegacy.myctfo.com (Founded on With Honesty) to try my brand. Health & Wellness that enables PETS & PEOPLE TO LOOK & FEEL BETTER! (JOIN) and start you own International Network Marketing business: www.keelslegacy.myctfo.com/opportunity You get the following: FREE WEBSITES (4) FREE TRAINING FREE WEBINARS WEEKLY ON TUESDAY & THURSDAY. 20% COMMISIONS, BACK OFF WITH A LIBRARY OF EDUCATION THAT MANY ATTEND BUSINESS SCHOOL AND WHEN FINISHD OWE THOUSANDS IN STUDENT LOANS!
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