Qubitech Cryptocurrency Opportunity earn 250% ROI
Is QubitTech insured? Yes it is to the tune of One hundred million dollars and also has a global consultancy firm backing.
How much can you invest in QubitTech?
The dollar volumes are in $100, 500, 1000, 5000 amongst others.
Find the FAQ compilation below. It will be shown in parts too
The good part is we aren't dealing with the dancing Naira here. We are dealing with Dollars.
For example, your 25% earnings may be worth #20000 in value in the month of October, but by December it may be worth#60000 just because of the crazy falls and fluctuations of the naira.
We understand this will be the first entry of many of us into the cryptocurrency space. We have simplified the complex as we can help you in record time open an account, process your BTC and also guide you towards opening a digital wallet through which you receive your earnings and channel into your local bank account.
Now let's move to the bonuses. For me And many others, earning 25% monthly in USD is simply not enough. We want more! We got more!
Within every fifteen day's,
If you invited 4 people to your structure for different investment packages, you get a bonus package equal to the minimum package of invited partners.
If you invited 4 people to the same investment packages, you get a bonus package equal to the package of invited partners
Direct Bonus
FOR every one you directly register, and people who register under them, you receive up to 6% to 8% of their investments instantly!
QubitTech also has a Rank Bonus. You are rewarded for bringing so many people into the system. If the total cash volume in your downline are up to the numbers reflected here, you receive a Rank Bonus at every step of the way.
QubitTech is also looking for Nigerian leader's who would scale the system here. If you are interested, feel free to reach the team to ask for clarifications and the qualifications set.
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