Why ibuumerang?
Hello Everyone,
I hope this finds the people that are serious about change. A year ago I partnered with ibüümerang and I can honestly say this is it for me. After being in so many different opportunities and never making the residual income I desired I finally hit the jackpot. It makes so much sense to get a lot of customers for FREE and input their information in a technology that will do the work for you. Many people get this company wrong by thinking it’s a travel company and all they did was recreated the wheel of what online travel businesses has done so that network marketers can make money. But wait!!!! There is more........ ride share goes with travel as well. We also help our customers save money on their monthly bills and we have a product that creates your own mood for 12 hours a day. What more can you ask for when your dealing with this many streams of income. This is Why ibuumerang!!!!!
Check it out for yourself
We are just different!!!!!!! For me I love partners that are like family. I am fun to be around, fun to listen too and an overall good person. I can say that because I look out for the best in others. Building a business is not about me it’s about the people I can help. I am what they call a Sapphire Ambassador with ibuumerang which is one of the first leadership ranks and I worked diligently to hit that goal in one month. Guess what? I hit the goal during the beginning of this world pandemic!!!! All I know is there is more for everyone and I can help with that. I’m the type of person that will help you along the way and not leave you in the dark. I have heard many that had bad experience with networking because they didn’t have the right leadership. If you want to follow me, subscribe on YouTube @ Etravels Everywhere. I enjoy what I do every day cause I get to meet people like you that brightens my day. I’m on Facebook as Emoni Duncan and Instagram as etravels_everywhere so check me out!!!!! When you partner with me, your going to love being apart of the team. Bye for now and reach out! I promise I don’t bite lol
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