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I'm not bossy... I just know what you should be doing!

When many people decide they want to join the the profession of network marketing, they find themselves in a battle of not wanting to be pushy or bug people with what they have to offer. We don't want to be thought of as that "annoying Arbonne Consultant." I know this because this is exactly how I used to think; however, I no longer think this way and neither should you. I recently had the privilege of being trained by Arbonne NVP, Brittany Johnston. She put the concept of not wanting to be "pushy" or "bugging people" into perspective. Arbonne is a gift that anyone should want. Some people choose to accept the gift and others do not. It's their choice. But it is up to us to at least offer the gift, and let them decide. If we are not offering the gift of Arbonne, we are not doing our jobs. And guess what, you don't have to be "pushy", "creepy", or "bug people" to do this. You want to know the secret? GREAT! Send me a payment of $399 and I will share the secret to success! Just kidding... here it is... are you ready?

Listen to people and build relationships! Right now, I bet angels are singing and a beam of light is shining right on you. Now that you know "the secret," go off and prosper.

The concept is simple, but implementing it can be hard. Once you listen to someone and find out their needs, you can help them find a solution. And guess what? Nine times out of ten, the solution can be Arbonne. Listen for cue words when you're visiting with people. Cue words and phrases sound like this:

"I would, but I can't afford..."

"I can't get my eczema under control..."

"I wish I had more time to..."

"My teenage son/daughter is battling acne issues..."

"I wish my family and I could travel more."

This should be your response relating to the Arbonne opportunity: "You should join me in Arbonne because (insert problem Arbonne can help solve).

This should be your response relating to Arbonne products: "You should be using Arbonne because (insert problem Arbonne can solve).

Now let me use this same idea to address many individuals who are already involved in Arbonne. You may have signed up with every intention to grow a business, but for whatever reason you haven't. If this is you... read on. If this is not you... read on anyway.

- You should stop listening to what other people think because they don't really care, and misery loves company. Let's be honest... it's easier to be mediocre. When you're working to be mediocre, you fall in line with majority of our population. Everyone can sit around and complain about how terrible life is, and you can be a part of the group and do the same. Plus, what if you do become successful and happy? Oh my, the thought! Remember this... true friends will support you and best friends will come along with you. The rest... well, they probably weren't that great of friends in the first place. Plus, now trust me on this, they'll WANT to be your friend when you cruise by in your Mercedes Benz! We were meant for so much more than to be mediocre! We were not put on this planet to simply survive. Step up, make a difference, and use your God-given talents to do something amazing!

- You should work your Arbonne business like it is your only option because one day it might be. Are you prepared for impact? When I present the business opportunity, I am often confronted with objection or excuses.

"Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. I love my job, make plenty of money, and am able to do everything in life I want to do."

"Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. My husband has an amazing job and he is able to support our family very well while I raise our family."

"Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. I am NOT a sales person."

"Oh, I don't need anything like THIS. I just don't have time."

The list of excuses goes on and on. You may be thinking the exact same things that were mentioned in the objections above. But, let me change your perspective.

For the person who says: "Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. I love my job, make plenty of money, and am able to do everything in life I want to do." This is great, but what would happen if you were called into your bosses office tomorrow and let go from your position? Would you still love your job, have plenty of money, and be able to do everything in life you want to do? This is a reality in the world we live in today. Loyalty to employees is a thing of the past. Gone are the days of working at the same job for 30 years and retiring with an amazing retirement. It's all about the almighty dollar, and trust me YOU ARE EXPENDABLE! If you don't believe me ask Roy Coops, Shaun Austin, Jason Spencer, Nasar El-arabi, Danielle Davies, or Maneesh Sethi how "loyal" their companies were to them.

For the person who says: "Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. My husband has an amazing job and he is able to support our family very well while I raise our family." Again this is wonderful, but what would happen if something happened to your husband? Would his company continue to support your family? What if a medical issue came up and your husband was no longer able to work? If you don't think this can happen, let's ask Kristen and Scott Walter. Scott had a heart attack at the age of 37 and guess what life changed overnight for them!

For the person who says: "Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. I am NOT a sales person." Seriously? First of all, Arbonne consultants are not "sales people" we are "life changers" but I digress. We simply share the products and opportunity then work with those who want it. No hard sales here. Plus, if you feel like a "sales person" whenever you tell people about an amazing restaurant or a new movie, you need to re-evaluate. After you fall in love with our products and start making money, you will want to share this gift you have been given with others.

For the person who says: "Oh, I don't need to do anything like THIS. I just don't have time." How sad! Truly! Your day is so packed you don't have 1-2 hours a day to build an amazing business and have fun doing it? Why would you want to live a life where you are stretched SO THIN you can't even take a little time for yourself? Amanda and I fall into this category. We have three children, both work corporate jobs, own a franchise, and STILL make time to build our Arbonne business. How do we do it? We make Arbonne a PRIORITY! When we are gone our children are not going to look back and think..."I just love how my parents never had time. They made life so enjoyable." Heck no, that's not what they'll say. Time is the one thing, no matter what you do, you can't get back. Spend it wisely!

- You should get out of your own way and build this business because you must prepare for impact. What will that impact be? No one other than the good Lord knows. But, you need to be ready! Prepare your life so you can have the choice of what you want to do. Prepare yourself for an illness, a natural disaster, a divorce, a surprise pregnancy, the list goes on and on. Remove all of the excuses from your mind, because there are none! I personally know people succeeding in this business that have probably dealt with more than most of us will ever experience. One woman I know lost her husband to suicide, one woman tried to take her own life multiple times because of mental illness, another lady found out she was pregnant with twins and the day after their birth her husband lost his job, another had a massive stroke and is still recovering. If these women can pick themselves up and carry on... YOU CAN TOO!

Let's build an empire and create a life by's what we were put on this earth to do!

This article was published on 23.07.2017 by Jesse Schroeder
Author's business opportunity:

Arbonne International - Skin Care, Nutrition, 79 USD to join

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