Join a company that is up and coming!
Coffee is a staple of most people, well most people that have to function during the day or night. There are those tea drinkers out there also and who doesn’t LOVE a cup of hot chocolate on a snowy, cold winter night? I have the best business proposal for you. You can join my team for only $20! This gets you a minimal kit but it is enough to start you on your way to bettering your life and your family’s life. These products are a breeze to sell. Matter of fact they pretty much sell themselves! All you really have to do is share your love for them and WHAM they sell themselves! You can join my team at and click on the join in the dropdown menu. We are a up and coming company that has only been in the business for a little over one year! Get in on the ground floor now and be a part of this great company when we take off. Right now we are only based in the US but hopefully in the future we will be able to branch out to different countries. Our companhas all the items you will need to get your business going also as part of your upline the team and I are ready willing and able to help you get your business off the ground. I personally have 5 people below me and over 20 people total so far in our group. My sponsor is the best sponsor around. She really cares about helping you get to your goals and goes out of her way to help you achieve those goals. As YOUR sponsor I will certainly go above and beyond to help you achieve not only your monthly goeals but your long term goals! Java Momma is based out of Danville, PA and was started by a lady that loved coffee so much she wanted to share her passion with other and have her own brand of coffee. Bonnie Barista was born in her home to do just that! I truly believe in this company and also I am an avid coffee drinker! I’m so sure of this company that I recruited my daughter!
You can look me up on Facebook if you need any other questions answered or need help joining. I look forward to being your sponsor!
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