Good day to my fellow affiliates, friends and family. I bring you today, an invitation to a specific pathway on the road to Financial Independence. However, before I do, I beg your indulgence to allow me to share with you, a little introduction to the person that I am, the person Allison Folkes.
I am the offspring of a single parent family, and was born the 6th child of my mother's nine (9) children, all born and grew up in what society deems as a low class area. Of my mother's siblings, our family was the least financially stable, and as such, could not afford or enjoy any luxuries, but had to be contented with the very basic life essentials for which we remain truly grateful to God.
My mom was unemployed for her entire life and therefore had to use her cooking skills to make goodies that she would go to the roadside to sell, in order to provide for our family. Those of our siblings who were of reasonable age would take turns in accompanying her when she would go out to sell. My eldest sister and second child born to my mother, was the only sibling who had managed to get random employment at times, and whose wages along with the little income that my mother made from her sales, would have to suffice to put food on the table for the family. Clothes was very secondary and we thank God that we at least had a shelter over our heads.
At the age of nineteen years, I was able to secure my first and longest maintained job for twenty five years, a job that I remain so grateful for, a job that was able to maintain and sustain our family at a much improved level that we were accustomed to. It is in growing up, in school days, and in being exposed to the world of work that I was able to observe and appreciate what it is like to live the life of one's dreams, to live over and above mediocrity, and to enjoy financial freedom, and time freedom to spend quality time with family and other loved ones.
Through all of those relationships formed and experiences shared, I developed a burning passion for the world of Travel, meeting new people, experiencing new cultures, enjoying different national dishes of the foreign countries etc. I became determined that I would have the desires of my heart and that one day in time, my burning passion would be fulfilled and I would be able to provide the lifestyle that me and my loved ones deserved.
For those of you who have shared similar experiences or have similar desires, please allow me to introduce you to a couple opportunites that afford you the privilege to set the foundation to Financial Independence. You are invited to read about Success Factory and check out my referral link
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