What is Ibuumerang? So glad you asked. Our unique Travel company has merged with Network marketing which has created a marriage of high tech and high touch! The concept is when you give good will it comes back to you! Our CEO has changed the old way of how people viewed multi-marketing where you got paid only when customers purchased high priced items. Only the top salespersons would succeed. The new concept is, we only get paid when customers save and it doesn't cost them a dime! We are doing something that has never been done before and the cherry on top is every time someone saves on their travel, a portion goes to feed needy children all over the world. As Travel Savings Ambassadors, we get paid a commission on the savings at 50%. We also save 70% off our own travel. Travel customers receive their own free personal travel savings booking engine allowing them to save up to 35% off their travel. There is no inventory, no quotas. You have the choice to be a customer or an agent. Either way, you will make money. Of course, if you choose to team build, you will make more. The savings are real because we get the wholesale rates and we have the same inventory as all the other online booking engines out there. So as you can see, it's a win, win. IBuumerang allows you to make money, stay at 5-star resorts for 3-star prices, save on your taxes all while traveling the world. We have the ability to to make as much as you choose. For example, if you have 100 customers, that will generate approximately $30,000 per year for you without doing any work. All you do is send out a buumerang. That's it, that's all. Ibuumerang has allowed some individuals to actually quit their nine to five's and get their time back. It's called time freedom! That is more important than money to most. One thing that I like about our company is that we have no competition. There is enough apple pie in the sky because everyone is traveling at one point in time or another. Disclaimer: I do not make claims to say that you will actually make the amount quoted above, but the potential is there. Take a look at my website to learn more. I BUUMERANG, do you
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