Nothing changes, if nothing changes. We're #JustDifferent.
If you watch the momentum of companies in the Network Marketing industry, you’ll notice that the traditional way is getting disrupted by technology & Amazon..
Not to say that you still can’t build a successful business, you 100% can, it has just become much more difficult if you’re selling products.
Your customer can go right on to Amazon, get the same products, for a lot of the times cheaper, and get them delivered the very next day with no auto-ship. People want the freedom to order as they please.
Long gone are the days of begging your friends and family to buy your product and support you. Here at Ibuumerang we actually don't sell anything. There is no physical inventory or products, therefore customers come into your business...for free. You give your service to the customer for free and you only get paid when the customer saves money.
Think about that! You only get paid when the product actually works. You only get paid when they SAVE.
Currently the 10th fastest growing company in the world ( Projected to be a $50 billion company.
Timing + Leadership + New concept = once in a lifetime opportunity!
Leadership— We have the Michael Jordan of this industry as the CEO. The #1 income earner in Network Marketing history, Holton Buggs.
Concept— Give out a FREE service that helps people save money on travel and other services they were going to do anyway. There is ZERO selling (read that again). You only get paid when your customer SAVES.
Timing— Knowing what you know now, do you think it would have been a good idea to invest in Uber 10 years ago? ... that was rhetorical, DUH. This is our Uber moment. We have been in Pre-Launch since March. We just had our Grand Opening in Las Vegas over Labor Day weekend. 5 years from now everyone will have an ibüümerang app, so your ability to acquire a customer base won’t be the same. 5 years from now, you can either be profiting from everyone you shared the service with or you can be using it. It’s just that simple.
Imagine you gave out a free app to people you know and come across in the future, that was forever linked to you.. That app was going to help those people save money on activities they were already going to do (that’s how it benefits the customer).
Every time they booked a hotel, rental car, cruise etc.. you got a percentage. Every time they got in a "Vibe Ride" car, you got a percentage. Every time they paid their büümmobile bill (that you don't have to sell or market), you got a percentage.
You bring in the customers (at no cost to them) and the company handles the rest for you.
You've may have missed your opportunity to join ground-breaking and innovations companies like Uber and Amazon when they first launched. You have your chance now with this company.
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