Is your relationship with money as good as you think it is?
Our money can seem to go from feast to famine, causing our bank account to go up and down like a roller coaster. Have you ever experienced these fluctuations at any time in your life?
I think it's safe to say we all have until we truly learn how to reach the financial potential that we really don't even know exists. We are programmed a certain way mentally and we don't even know it.
Being aware that a change needs to take place would be the first thing that has to happen. Otherwise, we keep repeating the same actions over and over, and more importantly, the same thinking.
Let me interject something here as well. You are the same person whether you have a lack of money or an abundance of money. Who you truly are will simply be magnified the more money you have because your buying power increases.
Now, we can all study and learn to be a better version of ourselves, which is called developing our God given potential. I fully believe that most people never even come close to reaching their full potential in life.
It doesn't have to be that way. So, let's keep working on that. I'm here writing this for the same reason.
Keep in mind, the dollar amount that we achieve really doesn't matter. The mentality change is what matters and the ablitiy to help others possibly reach their potential. That's what actually matters.
You might wonder how much money does any one individual actually need? it depends on what you plan to do for other people when you have the extra resources to do so.
Personally, I would like to be able to help struggling families with their medical bills and similar things and them not know the money came from me. If I know a single mother needs a new car, I would like to be able to buy one for her and have it delivered and she has no idea where it came from.
It takes money to be able to do that. So, why not develop the mentality and the skillset to be able to do those things?
If money has always been a struggle and you have negative emotions associated with it, it is simply time to learn how to change that. To begin with, we have to learn to provide value to people and develop a level of trust on the front end.
You can do that. You have plenty of value you can offer people right now, and you can begin to read more, listen to leaders on social media alot more, and begin to change your thinking.
Notice I didn't say change who you are at your core. That needs to stay there. But you can become a better, healthier, more positive version of yourself. We can all keep learning and becoming more until the day we die.
We typically live our lives on auto pilot, not even thinking about our typical day to day decisions. We can gradually change that. Small positive steps each day lead to big changes over time.
So, the first thing you have to decide is that you will build your life in the future and that life doesn't just happen to you. So, what are you going to build? Have you ever thought about it?
When it comes to money and our view of it, too many people I know of have a negative view. That negative view has been passed down to them. It doesn't have to be that way, and we don't want to have a lottery mentality of acquiring money with out a skill set to keep it.
Believe me, I know what mistakes are. I can look back at them. I am still recovering from some of them. I also am learning what right looks like. It's more than high time that right takes priority.
I think many people can relate.
I will repeat this many times. I listened to a panel of highly successful network marketing leaders being asked questions. One question was, if you had to start over tomorrow and rebuild your income, what would you do?
The first lady responded with the answer that she would build her email list. i have learned since that our real business is our email list because we are promoting who we are to build trust with people, and we are promoting our offers to build our income.
Now, to build an email list you need an auto responder. Why pay an increasing fee just because your list is growing? Does that make sense to you?
You can grow a list of 50,000 people for $25/month here. You will need to look it over for yourself, of course, but I have tried other auto responders and the simple math just took over in my mind.
I will help you learn to navigate the back office, set up your first campaign, and send your first test emails.
Next, I am sure you need household essentials to take showers, brush your teeth, and clean your home. There is alot more involved to the product line as well.
If you want to know what I am talking about send me a text or message me here. I would rather explain it in person. I have a residual check from this company now. I prefer to explain it on a zoom video call.
That's it for now. Enjoy your day and stay safe. We aren't out of this pandemic yet. Another reason to start building your list. I will help you with that by letting you use my emails for free content building your own campaigns.
Subscribe to my list here if you would like. You can unsubscribe at any time of course.
Thanks for reading this far. Send me a message and let's set up a video chat to introduce ourselves.
Scott Moore
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