Crowd1 and the future of the human race
Good day everyone, my name is Louis and I would like to tell you a little about my experiences in sales and life in general.
Most of my friends and family will tell you that I'm the born salesman of the family but in reality I'm an introvert and very seldom like the idea of making people buy something they in the first place never thaught of buying. Although I'm pretty good at it. And the only reason I'm good azt it os because I was forced from a very young age to stand on my own 2 feet. To get a degree or qualification wasn't an option because money could hardly buy food. So I was a door to door salesman selling just about anything. The last 17 years off my career I was selling vacuum cleaners and set targets and broke records that still stand since 2007.
Now we are in 2020. Since March 28th we were in lockdown and the way we do business change completely. Some can do business and some can't. All off a sudden I have no Idea what to do. I can still clearly remember my dad telling me that a salesman will never be out off a job. But what can I sell if I can't even walk door to door. Remember, its the only way off selling I ever knew for 34 years.
It was time to look for selutions online. I had 1 off 2 options, either look for something I can sell online that doesn't require a demonstration or find an online business that will give me a residual income because I never made plans for retirement. So I decided to go for the second option. Besides, it was time for a change.
So I started to serve the internet and wow. I couldn't in a million years thaught there were so many home-based businesses. Now how on earth do you choose witch one to take. There were one's that were free but that sounds to good to be true. Then I remembered my work colleague told me last year he had joined an online business and it was going to get huge. So I decided, what the heck, I got nothing to loose. So I gave Neels a call and he told me a little about it. But, because of the sceptic that I am, I decided to do a little more research on my own. And wow, the more I read, the more You Tube videos I watch, the more excited I get. I was actually looking for the negative publicity about this company but couldn't find any.
The name of this company is Crowd1. You don't have to believe me. I challenge you to to go watch the YouTube videos and then come back to me. The company had grown to 5.75million members in 18 months. They predict to grow a furthe 500% over the next 6 months. If you decide to join and you get 4 people under you, they even give you a bit more back than what it had cost you to join. They have 5 different bonus systems. You can earn weekly, monthly and quarterly. Even if you dont get a single person under you, you will still earn quarterly.
The time to start Crowd1 is NOW. You have a choice of 4 main packages. White at R2000, Black at R6000, Gold at at around R18000 and Titanium at R50 000. Now its like everything in life. The more you pay, the more benefits you can get and the quicker you get to the top. And NOW they have a crazy promotion until the 3rd of July 2020. If you buy white, you get black. If you buy black you get gold and if you buy gold you get Titanium.
If you are a sceptic like I was, then I first recommend you go do your own research. But if you serious about making a difference in your life, then I chellange you to join my team. I will even go further and give you a peace of mind. Join my team, my whatsup group and go do everything I tell you to and if you dont have your 4 people under you in the first 14 days, then I will give you your money back.
People, the world has changed the way we know it. If we don't start to build a business and future for our children, the nobody will. If you are serious about changethen join my team.
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