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The mobile revolution is here to stay - or is it?

Seriously... Think about it??

Of course it is - Just pull out your phone or tablet & think back to when they didn't exist - can't remember or maybe you're too young to even know a time when this was reality. 

Did you know that on average we touch our devices some 1,500x per week!!! Astounding right... sure is.

Now look at some of the apps on the device - like FB, Instagram, Twitter & even the Angry Birds apps have Uber (pardon the pun) valuations. People are making BANK with mobile.  In fact UBER is now the largest Taxi company on the planet & they own no cars, Air'BnB has a valuation over $20b & they own no real estate - Hilton Hotels own most of theirs & have a valuation around $19b -WTF you say!! I hear you.

So there is money in them there hills (or Smartphones) -  If you want to be part of this revolution you'd normally have to come up with some cool idea that no-one or few have thought of & get developers involved, get some funding, BETA test it & then find a really cool go-to-market strategy. Well I don't know about you but I don't really have the time or even the desire to do that, do you? Even then you might have a slim to almost nil chance you'll be lucky enough to be like Instagram who sold to Facebook for a cool billion ;-) I wish too.

Well I have news for you, sometimes something & someone special comes along - decides to go a different path & share the opportunity to profit from this unique (here to stay) revolution. Well here I am, no I didn't build it but the guys that did are very clever. How would you like to be able to give away a FREE app that saves people time & money plus you get to profit?? Sounds hard to believe well at Your Mobile Income System that's exactly what you can do... You can even use the app (if you hold the keys to the kingdom) to promote your other business' to every person using the app FREE. 

Now that sounds cool, right! That's what I thought. If you want to see how you can be a part of the Mobile Revolution without thinking of the next cool idea, finding a venture capitalist or coding one line of code to build it, here's your chance to review Your Mobile Income System!! 

If not, try our FREE Shopping APP today & save on products, hotels, flights & even daily deals.
This article was published on 09.06.2016 by Stefan J
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