Buying of Gold, cashgold,trading in crypto
Hi everyone I'm so glad and fortunate to be involved in a Company called Karatbars international, which is around for 10 years and have about 900 000 affiliates across the globe in 150 countries and therefore already make a name for themselves.The founder and CEO of the company is called Mr Harold Seize and was started in Stuttgart Germany. The vision and mission of Mr Harold Seiz is to make gold available to the masses in small increments of gold, 0.1; 0,2; 0.4; 0,6; 1g etc which make gold affordable to the general public.The company also lunched their crypto currentcy name kbc coin which is backed by physical gold which is also listed on different crypto exchange platforms. You can either become an investor in gold or you can take part in the affilate program which the company offer depending on your intrest. Just a little bit of gold history: Since thousands of years gold has a huge attraction to humans. In ancient times gold was the jewelry of pharaohs and kings. It was a sign of power and wealth. Since 2,800 years gold is also a recurring base of currency and trade. Persians minted the first gold coins in the 6th century. In 1873 the USA established the “gold standard”. The Dollar was paired and backed by Gold. In 1971 Richard Nixon cancelled the direct convertibility of US Dollar to gold. Gold became more valuable. Now currencies loose more and more of their value every year. Experts like Robert Kiyosaki and Dr Allen greenspan recomended to covert some of our money into gold as gold is safe haven and protected our wealth against inflation.
Our Karatbars Universe
1. KaratPAY
▪ Our online platform for KaratGold
▪ Founded in Singapore 2015
▪ Responsiblefor creation and
distribution of CashGold
2. KaratGold
▪ Founded in Singapore 2015
▪ Responsiblefor creation and
distribution of CashGold
3. KaratNet
▪ Own independet blockchain
▪ Firm basis of our KBC and
business solutions
4. KaratBit
▪ Our own exchange where
cryptos and fiat are traded
and exchanged
5. K-Merchant
▪ Our Eco-System for retailers and
▪ Developed by KaratPay
▪ Shopping Network for KBC / BTC / ETH
6. CEM
▪ CashGold Exchange Machine
▪ Change 100 KBC into 1g Gold
▪ Buy BTC and ETH
7. Impulse K1 phone
▪ First phone with VoBP worldwide
▪ End-2-end encryption
▪ Connected to KaratPAY and
8. WHIM Laptop
▪ First laptop with VoBP technology
▪ Email and Data-Transfer Encryption over
Blockchain and Unique Private Key
▪ Part of the KaratNet Eco-System
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