To Your Health! Immune Support – and More!
Did you know that all mammals were created with an Endocannabinoid System?
Here are some interesting facts about hemp.
Although hemp has been around since the beginning of time and for years was part of many remedies and tonics found at local drug stores, it has had “political” ups and downs. The most devastating result was lobbying by the pharmaceutical companies and even Randolph Hurst, California newspaper magnate, who wanted his papers printed on paper made from the forests he owned in the northwestern United States, not the more economical and ecologically friendly hemp.
These efforts caused hemp, including the sativa (marijuana) strains to be misclassified by Congress as a narcotic, in the 1937 Marihuana Tax Act. This came about following the 1936 propaganda film, “Reefer Madness”, shown to my senior class in high school just before graduation. What a joke! But many naïve people were indoctrinated via federal government disinformation, even spreading throughout Canada and elsewhere today! For some laughs, check out this 1-hour film on YouTube.
Dr. Andrew Weil in Tucson, Arizona, USA conducted a study in 1968 to determine how much marijuana it would take to overdose. None of the participants in the study did more than get “the munchies” or fall asleep!
So far, there have been just over 100 components of hemp that have been identified as having a role in our health.
Although pharmaceuticals have their place, unlike “Big Pharma” products that have “LD-50 Ratings”, neither CBD, CBDa, hemp, nor any sativa (marijuana) strain has ever caused an overdose, whereas, when 50% of the lab subjects die from the pharmaceutical substance, the dosage is reduced to a “tolerable” rate and what then becomes the drug’s “LD-50 Rating”. You can “Google” it:
“From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: The name LD50 is an abbreviation for "Lethal Dose, 50%" or median lethal dose. It is the amount of the substance required (usually per body weight) to kill 50% of the test population.”
Whether one uses hemp topically, ingests or inhales it - or not, our bodies actually produce its own cannabinoids. This Endocannabinoid System has its own receptors that support our well being.
The Endocannabinoid System is incredibly powerful and plays a dramatic and vital role in the life of our species. When a fertilized human egg finds its way to the uterine lining to nestle and grow, it lands in an Endocannabinoid Receptor. Not only that, when the baby is born, it is the baby’s Endocannabinoid System that causes the infant to feel hunger and have a drive to suckle – otherwise, the baby wouldn’t thrive and there may not be people on Earth!
According to Raphael Mechoulam, “Father of Cannabis Research”, CBDa is 1,000x more potent than CBD.
CBDa (cannabidiolic acid) is present in the raw leaf. As it is processed out during the production of CBD, it was believed that CBDa was merely a waste byproduct – until the scientists in the Changing the Future Outcome (CTFO) lab tested it – and were astounded to discover Dr. Mechoulam’s findings: that CBDa is far more efficacious than CBD. CBDa is now being incorporated into several CTFO products. Their unique extraction and production process has been patented.
There is 0.03% THC in CTFO CBD and CBDa products. This means that although the CBD and CBDa is instrumental in causing peace and relaxation, it is impossible to be able to experience any psychotropic effect.
CTFO organically cultivates is own hemp in Kentucky, Colorado and Oregon, USA. Each quantity of products is lab tested to ensure that what is on the label is actually in the bottle.
CTFO has over 80 products for people and their pets including for health & nutrition, skin & hair, energy & weight loss, and sleep & pain relief.
Super7 is a non-CBD immune booster. 1 tablet per day contains 7 high antioxidant fruits, a 2-month supply for only $49.97.
Please be sure to join CTFO for free and set up autoship for the best prices. With the 60-day empty bottle money back guarantee, you can try the products risk-free!
Also patented, for all my fellow networkers, is the way the CTFO Compensation Plan is structured.
Please feel free to take a look around and contact me should you have any questions.
To your health & wealth,
Clare Reading +1 480.250.2000
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