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Live a cleaner life and help others to do the same

With all the knowledge we have access to why is it that we don't do more research on the products we use? It can take time away from other things in our lives, that's for sure. But, it can also take away from our health and well-being. Did you know that many products, including dish soap and shampoo, have propylene glycol? What is that exactly you might ask? This is an ingredient in anti-freeze used in your car’s radiator. MSDS sheets warn users to avoid skin contact, yet it remains in many cosmetics. Have you ever looked at a bottle of your summer breeze dish soap, strawberries and cream shampoo, or island fresh laundry detergent? Many products have the pretty benign seeming term “fragrance,” sometimes also in parentheses seen as parfum. Artificial fragrances can contain hundreds, even thousands of chemicals, including phthalates which are used to increase the flexibility of plastic and can damage the kidneys, liver, lungs, and reproductive systems. Fragrances are a major cause of allergic reactions from products and their full ingredients list does not have to legally be labelled. Why would you want to use these products on yourself, your kids, or your pets? If you look at your bottle, or container, of laundry detergent…does it say something such as “harmful if put in mouth or swallowed, eye irritant?” Why would you want to chance your kids getting a hold of that? Also, if it’s that bad that they have to put that warning on them, why would you want that against your skin all day, or to breath in the harmful chemicals that are left behind. Water will rinse the clothes, but not all those chemicals will be washed away. You’re still being exposed.

Why not switch to products that are known to be healthier, not harmful, yet still smell great. Something that can benefit your family rather than harm. Young Living products have a seed to seal guarantee. The farming is followed from the time that seed is put in the ground until it is put in the bottle to be sent to you. They use their own oils to protect their crops which means no harmful chemicals are going into the ground or into their products. Thieves cleaner, Thieves dish soap, Thieves laundry detergent, lavender shampoo, and lemon sandalwood soap are only a few of the hundreds of Young Living products that are sure to help your family live a healthier and cleaner life. Then once you’ve decided you love the products you can start sharing them with others and help them make the switch to a healthier life.

This article was published on 28.02.2020 by Julie Stewart
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