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    Spell 'Success' and  Assign the number to Each Alphabet as they appear in English Alphabets

                                                    This is English alphabet and it equivalent numbers

A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6,

    G=7, H=8, I=9, J=10,  K=11,  L=12,

M=13, N=14, O=15, P=16 Q=17,

 R=18, S=19, T=20,  U=21,  V=22,  W=23,

  X=24, Y=25.  Z=26

S=19. U21. C=3. C=3. E=5. S=19. S=19=SUCCESS



You can see that success cannot be completely achieved just because you want to be successful. This may account to why everyone want to be successful but not everyone ends up being successful. There is something missing. Let's see what makes it up.




As you can see, success cannot be achieved without good attitude. While success is not attitude, attitude can make one successful.

                               Differences Between Attitude and Behavior

Humans have two minds, the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the seat of your thinking and controls the subconscious mind.  Any information that goes into the subconscious mind controls an individual like a demon and is hard to delete, though can be deleted but with extreme care and attention.
Attitude are behaviors that we allowed to get to the subconscious mind, they can be good or bad therefore, very difficult to stop.

If you allow bad behavior to get into your subconscious mind, it becomes bad attitude and It will influence and control you, to the point that some people don't even give a dam that they've got bad attitude.
That accounts to the reason why some who've got bad attitude like; burst of anger, alcoholic people, smokers, thoughtless and ill mannered people  finds it hard to change.

Our subconscious mind is very beneficial when used constructively on purpose though, however, majority of people do not know anything about the subconscious mind and how it is influencing their character psychologically day in day out.

For example,

  You can feed or write in your subconscious mind positive things, good characters and love. You can also be a good crammer if you utilize the power of the subconscious mind. You can also achieve greater height in life like acquiring wealth by the constructive use of the subconscious, when you allow your desires for whatever you want to be written in your subconscious by being obsessed of it.

The subconscious is under our control and can only record what we allows to be written there, it doesn't care whether what is written there is good or bad, whatever your dominant thought is repeatedly, will be stamped in there. Whatever you allows to go in there, so it will be in there. Therefore, you have the power to use it constructively or destructively, for good or bad.

  That is why there is no excuse for those that allow their bad attitude to get in the way, if you say you don't know about the subconscious mind, at least now you are learning about it and can learn more of it.
You can have or become whatever you like by convincing your subconscious mind of what you want, good or bad and making it to be written there.

                     How to record or Delete Anything in the Subconscious Mind

There is only one way you can write or deposit anything you want, good or bad in your subconscious mind which is also the same method to delete it from there. That method is called Autosuggestion or self suggestion.

This mean repeating something over, and over and over to your conscious mind.  The mind does not care whether what you repeat is good or bad, your dominant thought will gradually be moved from your conscious to your subconscious, then you will be controlled by it.

If you repeat bad behaviors over and over, it will enter the subconscious mind whether you like it or not and control you like a demon, people will think you are possessed. If you listen to a particular song over and over, you will spontaneously start singing it. However, while we have no control of our conscious mind, the good news is that, we are in control of the subconscious min.

So through the same autosuggestion, you can delete anything that you have allowed to enter your subconscious. But you need to put on effort, hard effort to reprogrammed the subconscious mind if not you may never be able.
The first step to reprogramming your subconscious mind is to identify your problem, the things that you are doing that people are complaining as bad attitude and yet you find it hard stopping them.
Identify them, and go to work.

Write it on a paper and several times in a day, repeat it to yourself;
For example;
'I have stopped smoking' if it is smoking
'I have stopped anger'
Whatever it is, just make sure you write it on a paper, use first person singular 'I' and the present tense 'have or has'.
Repeat it several times daily, believe you have, believe it I said, and don't forget, you must work toward your affirmation, if not you won't achieve your goal because it can't happen automatically.
 If you affirm;
'I have stopped lying' and you didn't put effort to stop it, it won't be deleted in your subconscious.
I wrote this to help those who have bad attitude because as an author of one of the most important human relationship book, the psychology of influencing people for good, I have a first hand experience on how the subconscious mind works in programming and reprogramming people for good or for bad.

I have related and still relating and have even coach the worst attitude people and the good, so I have seen it all and I know what works.

This article was published on 24.09.2019 by Ihegbu Yarbrough
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