Attraction Marketing - The New Way To Generate Leads & Make Sales
I had to smile when, a while ago, I read this statement by a friend who is part of a very well-known Marketing Company . “I’m now officially part of the NFL! Sadly, not the one so many would like to belong to. Nope, my NFL stands for No Friends/Family Left. Social invitations are drying up and those times when I do get invited, people actively avoid me!”
Now that is a statement I think a lot of Network Marketers can associate with. The question is, if you don’t want to alienate friends and family (and even strangers), how do you recruit new team members/distributors or sell your stuff?
Gone are the days where you made a list of all your “warm prospects”. And then hounded them until someone decided (reluctantly) to join your opportunity or buy your products!
Looking back at how marketing and recruiting has changed over the last few years, it’s clear there’s a new sheriff in town.
Attraction Marketing …
We no longer have to do house or hotel parties, knock on doors or cold call …
Instead of chasing prospects, you build a relationship where they get to know, like and trust you. You become a thought leader and build credibility. And, best of all, you do it all online and from the comfort of your home!
So how do you do this?
You create valuable and engaging content online. You share your knowledge and expertise, without expecting anything in return. In the process you build loyal fans who want to follow you, be part of your team and listen to your advice. In other words, you attract leads and sales!
There are many cynics when it comes to attraction marketing. Why? Because it’s a long term strategy. It takes time and effort, and sometimes a while before you see results. Is it worth the time and effort? Absolutely! But know this, persistence is required and it's definitely a case where patience is a virtue.
The big payoff? The quality content you create is an asset that keeps on giving. For years to come people doing a Google search will find your website.
You will get discovered through Tweets, Facebook posts or YouTube videos and other online places.
Are there challenges? No doubt!
I’m sure you’ve been asking a few questions while reading this.
For instance:
What exactly is attraction marketing?
How do I create engaging content that attracts readers?
How much time does it take to produce quality content?
Do I need a big budget?
What type of content should I create? Videos, blog posts, videos, podcasts, a combination?
How do I get started?
All these questions could make you stop before you even start!
Fortunately, my friend Ferny Ceballos, answers all these questions (and many more) in his book Attraction Marketing Formula. Ferny is the King of Attraction Marketing and has helped many people go from zero to 7-figure earners.
He also has a 10-Day Bootcamp that can help you get amazing results.
If you want to recruit and sell more without having to chase prospects, you owe it to yourself to check it out ...