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Hemp Oil Distributorship For Health and Wealth

Aloha! My name is Sonora Mather and I am your team leader.

I am beyond excited to have you all join me on this Great Health & Wealth Adventure!

My hopes are that we can all keep in contact and share information on what has worked and what might not have work with marketing.  I'd like to see us all succeed and improve our own families health & wealth!

Today, I write this email in an overwhelming state of gratitude.  I too am fairly new to CTFO and also just getting started on this journey as I call it.  I have had over 140 new Associates join in just over 3 days.  

Here's a bit about me;  I joined about a month ago and just did nothing, was a little lazy and kept putting off making any effort with this business.  Then a few days ago while having a bad day at work (ugh!), I was thinking.  I thought about my CTFO website and business that just sat there.  What did I have to lose by putting a little time and effort into it and that's just what I did.  So glad that I did, I see some hope now.  Hope of getting ahead on my bills, running my own business, freedom to work when I want and where I want and having access to CBD oil that I truly believe in.

Marketing my website - So, far I have placed a few Craigslist ads (I copied and pasted with a few changes from another CTFO associates ad) in States and Cities that I either live in now or had lived in and then a few that were inexpensive.  Craigslist does charge to place job postings.  It seems the free ones keep getting flagged.  Not all cities and States charge the same amount from what I discovered.  I have found them to cost between $5-$45 per ad for 30days.  I have also discovered that you only need to place one ad in one category. If you look on Craigslist from your phone all categories run together.

I have also send all my FB friends the link to my website with a short note as well as emailing everyone in my contact list.  Yesterday, I purchased online visitors through the back office on CTFO.  So, it will be interesting to see what comes from that.

I have not tried anything else as of yet but plan on going "old school" tomorrow and making up flyers with tear offs at the bottom.  Then, just posting them up around town and anywhere that will let me.  I also plan on checking into having business cards made through Vista print to hand out to people wherever I go.  So, that's what I have done so far but always open to learning new ways to get the info about our products out there and signing up new Associates to increase our commissions (CV).

$$$$ - Please read through all the info regarding how the commissions called CV work, they are very generous.

You also have choices - One you can just recruit people (not purchase yourself) to become Associates and sell them products, which you will make money or Two - you can become an active member and make a qualifying purchase  I believe $46? of awesome products and recruit others to become associates and to make a qualifying purchase and so on and so on.  The more people you recruit and who purchase product the more money you will make.

You do not have to purchase the product to sell.  The company drop ship for you which is awesome!  Or you can purchase product at a discounted price and sell to others at a retail price.  There are so many different ways to make money and run your business.  You really need to research it all and do what makes sense for you.  You can also change it up a bit now and then and try something different.

I'm choosing to autoship once a month the products that I currently use and continue to recruit others to join and become active Associates.  I currently live barely paycheck to paycheck (hopefully not for long!) so I choose to use the least expensive ways of getting the information out there.

I believe that paydays are every Wednesday made direct deposit into your Bank Account.  Next Wednesday I should receive my first commission check.  I'll share with all of you how much that amount is next week (exciting!).

Best advice I have right now is to become an Associate if you haven't already, try out the product even if only one at a time, read through your entire website and the back office of the website.  The "Library" has great information.  Listen to all the recorded tele-conferences and webinars as well as up coming trainings.  Start sharing your website and info about CTFO Hemp oil and products with anyone and everyone, never stop!  Put in the time and effort now so that you can enjoy the benefits to come!

The more effort we all make together as a team, the more $$$ we will all receive as a team.

Please feel free to email me with any questions that you might have or any cool ideas that you want to share.  You may also contact CTFO directly for more in depth questions.


Go Team GO!

This article was published on 07.03.2018 by Sonora Mather
Author's business opportunity:

CTFO - Health Care/CBD, Free to join

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