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10 Essential Steps To Evaluating A Home Based Business

Passive, Residual's something that is most attractive to the masses who join a network marketing, multi-level marketing, direct sales, or other home based business.  And I include myself as that's one of the top reasons I started in Network Marketing back in the 1980's.

When I was first introduced to the concept of a "home based business" where I could work it and build it, at my own pace, on my own schedule, and have a chance to earn more money, that was music to my ears.  

Back in the 1980's there was no internet, no cell phones, at least not many in everyday use among the population, and finding people that may be interested in your home based business was mainly done using video tapes, cassette tapes, and conference calls.  Fast forward 30 years to 2015.......

Now it's easier than ever to simply go online and see hundreds, if not thousands of home based businesses available for someone to start, work and perhaps become successful over time, if they work it and build it consistently.  There are no short cuts to success, in the corporate world or the home based business world.  

Many people are looking for a "short cut" to success, a quick, easy way to make it big, hit the big time and make allot of money.  Unfortunately, that's not realistic and having that mindset can set one up for a lifetime of failure and disappointment.

What's easy to do is also easy not to do, which is why most choose not to do it, and give up way to easy before they've experienced success in their home based business.  There are other reasons also, and trust is a major factor these days, isn't it.  

We ask, who can we really trust these days?  It sounds like a good business opportunity, and a legitimate home based business, but is it really?   Here are a few questions I ask when looking at any home based business.  

  1. Are the products the company sells available anywhere else or are they exclusive to that particular company and industry?
  2. Is the service the company offers unique and is the exact same service(s) available anywhere else?  
  3. Who are the top 5 competitors of the company and where are they located?
  4. How long has the company been in business and can I call the corporate office directly with questions?
  5. What about the company BBB rating, do they have one?  
  6. Is there a cost to join the home based business, and if so, is it a reasonable one for that particular industry?
  7. Would I use the service/products myself?  What do they cost?  Are they expensive compared to others?
  8. Am I currently using something similar to what I'm being asked to switch to?
  9. If I join the company, how do I make money?  Will I be "charged back" if a customer cancels a month or 2 months later?  Can I be paid commissions "as earned" monthly so as not to be concerned about "charge backs" or customer cancellations, which will invariably happen.
  10. Can I see myself offering the products/services, or sharing it with others?

These steps have saved me allot of time, money and aggravation.  There are thousands of home based businesses and unfortunately, many scam artists are mixed in with the good, legitimate home based businesses.

If something sounds too good to be true, it still may be true; however, it may require some additional review and additional questions to be asked before jumping in.

If you're the type of person who keeps their options open with regards to creating multiple streams of income for yourself, I'd like to invite you to review the 3 individual home based businesses I am currently working and have been for some time.  Each one is different and serves a different market segment and customer base; however, they all have something in common which is the chance to earn a "monthly residual income", as earned, and they do not conflict or compete with each other.

Multiple Streams of Income is a good thing in a fast paced & global economy such as ours.  These home based businesses can also be worked online, using Social Media and other online channels.  Of course, doing business the old-fashioned way, belly to belly is an option too for those who prefer that to the online world.

I enjoy all 3 of these businesses and invite you to take a look at each of them.  If any create interest in your mind, please contact me.  I'd welcome the opportunity to address questions you have and show you how to get started in any or all of them if you prefer.

Multiple Streams of Income in an uncertain economic climate can be a smart decision that pays big time in the future.  

I've been with each company for many years and welcome the opportunity to talk with you about any questions or interest you may have.

Here are the websites I invite you to review:

Commercial Energy Sales:  Monthly Residual Income As Earned Available.


Health & Wellness Industry:  Monthly Residual Income As Earned Available.


Business/Personal/Employee Group Legal Access Plans & Identity Theft Restoration Services.

Monthly Residual Income As Earned Available.


And:        / 

Thanks for your time today and please contact me with any questions/interest you may have.

Make it a great day.


This article was published on 01.09.2015 by Stephen Esch
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