Crowd1 Online Network Marketing Business.
Crowd1 is a global company that affiliate itself with online gaming and gambling (Affilgo and Miggster) . By becoming a member you will get weekly owner rights, the purpose is to bring a crowd to online companies who want advertise their products online.
There are many bonuses, first fear of loss bonus that is paid to you when you bring into the company 4 members directly within 14 days: (The amount you will be paid depends on the level package the members you brought into the company join in at, which are as follows below)
Level 1: 125Euros
Level 2: 375Euros
Level 3: 1000Euros
Level 4: 3000Euros
Streamline bonus, all members that join after you earn you a Euro here and another Euro there...
Network level bonus, consists of different levels suchs as Coordinator, Manager, Director and President.. each of these levels can qualify you for certain bonuses. all the way up to qualifying for a free cruise ship trip.
And many many other bonuses.
Blessed evening my millionaire!! This evening I want to say this to you!! Let us not forget the first reason and purpose for joining crowd1 :FINANCIAL FREEDOM RIGHT? Let us work on reaching our goals and break the poverty curse we inherited from our Forefathers. We can do it no matter what, do not look around, keep your eyes and ears on your desire. Become so fed up with your current financial situation, only then you can do something about it. As long as you are comfortable, you can never change your situation. What if I fall? You may ask, imagine your mother stopping your from trying to walk the first time you fall, where will you be today? A cripple at home. Rise out of your financial wheelchair!!!! Crowd1 is the one and only solution at this moment. Keep telling people about it, when the first one, the second and the third reject you, they are programmed to be poor, go for the next, and the next, and the next. This is our time to arise and shine, let us be the first millionaire in our families and change our lives and those of our loved ones as well as our enemies. Business is for the tough-minded like you, there are no sissy in this team!!! Go higher, go bigger, go millionaire!!
I am not yet familiar with this platform, I will share more better on whatsapp/email, but if you are not, I will surely find ways to share the business. Your work when you become a member is just to share and recruit people, the company will pay dividends every 4 months.
Click on the link below to join and start earning today!
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