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Just taking my time..., or not!

When you hear about a opportunity, what is the first thing that goes through your mind?

I have a qualification list I use to short cut making the decision to join any opportunity:

  1. Is it trending - Are people talking about it?
  2.  Is it practical - Could you see you or the people you associate with making use of it?
  3.  Is it something alot of people use - Young, old, male, female who would use it the most?
  4. Is it consumable - Is it a one time sale or do people have to come back, as a customer ?(reoccurring sales) 
  5. Is it for everyone or is it for a particular segment of the population - Don't limit yourself needlessly.
  6.  Is the distribution worldwide or restricted to certain countries ? (See above).

If all of these questions are a yes then I would think the product or service deserves a closer look.

Is there a perfect product? Probably not, but choosing a product that has a broad appeal is always better than one that has limitations.

One exception to this rule is if you have knowledge of a specialized product that you are familiar with, and you have the ability to talk the talk in that field or industry. The rule of thumb is, never limit yourself!

Once you know that you have a winner the next step is to develop a plan as to how and when you are going to market your product or service.

This is important because when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. 

Have you ever joined a opportunity and could not get any momentum at all ? Just remember , everything you do can be done better if you have a plan.

 Do you sign up and then see no results at all? 

This is usually:

  1.  Lack of a real strategy or plan - Plan before you jump int the deep end of the pool!
  2.  Failure to connect to the audience that recognizes the usefulness of your product - Always, always always do your research. Identify your target audience and sale to them.
  3.  Trying to market a product that is not understood or desired - If you research says your product is relevant and popular you may have to sale the benefits of the product to create a desire for the product.

When you have a plan, it doesn't have to be THE plan, but at least give yourself a baseline to work from. As you go, make adjustments until you establish quantifiers that help you see the progress or lack of progress you are making.

Having the ability to gauge what is happening and why in your business will make it easier to duplicate your efforts and repeat your success, it will also make it easy to see mistakes and avoid costly repeating of inefficient behaviors.

In MLM Your organization needs to be able to duplicate you, if they can't, you will have difficulty building and maintaining a organization. Teach the people that sign up for your opportunity the way to be successful using simple, effective strategies. 

  • Never do anything that is so different, unique or difficult it cannot be repeated by the average person. 
  • Never complicate anything that can be simplified. 

Make sure the methods you use stay the same through the generations of your business by personally helping your leaders with the words to say, the phrases to use and the map to the top- the steps to promote through in the comp plan. 

Eliminate as much confusion as possible by showing your down line where to focus their effort as they promote through the ranks.

If you:

  • Chose your product/opportunity wisely .
  • Have a strategy to be a success. 
  • Create a duplicateable method to the top .
  • Teach the people who partner with you to copy what you do.

Success will be swift and your down-line will grow quickly. 

My current opportunity has attracted many experienced leaders from around the world and they are generously sharing the knowledge they have accumulated through the years to help everyone be successful NOW, not years from now, If you have joined other organizations and were deprived of the leadership and nurturing needed to help you benefit and realize your dreams, goals and desires, I invite you to check out this quick video. As our company expands into the U.S., it is our goal to add 3,000 Distributors to our downlines before the beginning of March 2017. Don't wait to see if and who, Now is the time and this is the place!

Contact me here or at:  after you watch the video, to plug into our 3x daily team calls.   

This article was published on 19.02.2017 by Jeffery Whiten
Author's business opportunity:

World Global Network - Health and wellness,, 380 USD to join

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