Global CBD Expansion
The CBD market is exploding but there is still a long way to go! The nature of an unregulated market makes many cautious and uncertain as to how to get involved. We at Kannaway have seen the reverse with business expansion increasing and new countries such as Russia, Japan and Vietnam keen to embrace this new exciting industry. The next few years will see hemp return to where it should be, a plant that can help save this planet.
However the caution by many is also wise, many surveys have been conducted within the CBD market, and many of these have shown the poor quality of products. Alarmingly it is not just that some of these products are not the strength they promise to be, but some also contain harmful toxins such as pesticides and insecticides.
To understand why this can happen you have to first understand how the wondrous plant hemp grows. The plant acts as a `vacuum cleaner`, cleansing the ground it grows in. The most vivid example of this is at the Chernobyl site after the accident at the nuclear power station. Hemp was planted in the ground that surrounded the site to cleanse the soil of the heavy metals it contained after the accident. Imagine CBD being made from this hemp! Theoretically in an unregulated market it could have been!
There are measures we must ensure our products adhere to and these are not simple. They start with where the hemp is grown, the purity of the soil, how long hemp has been grown in it, the seeds, the growing method, the harvesting and this is all before we even start to consider the extraction method and testing procedures. The professional side of this market is not simply about betting some hemp oil, bottling it and putting a label on it!
So we see and understandable caution, yet for those involved in this market with the right product and company the potential will be incredible. Many financial analysts predicting it will the the most explosive market the world has ever seen.
Being at the pioneering stage is exciting, but can be frustrating. Naturally, all good things take effort, patience and persistence. The market, at present, has too much opportunism and not enough professionalism, but this is changing as the general public are becoming more aware and demanding a better standard. The future will be an exciting place for those who invest in the best.
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