Crowd1 global networking
Crowd1 is a global networking when you join as a new member you choose a package
Here are the packages
White package you pay 99
Titanium Pro=4499
All you have to do is recruiting 4 people under you , you get a bonus back which white package you get 125/$152
4 recruits with black =375/$458 uds
4 recruits with gold =1000/$1222
4recruits with titanium=3000/$3667
You also get matching bonuses when you help your team grow.
Impossible is nothing with crowd1.
Whenever you recruit a new member you get binary bonus thats points that will be converted to instant cash
White package signup =36/$44 usd
Black package signup=108/$132
Gold package signup=288/$352usd
Titanium package signup=900/$1100usd
There is also quarterly dividends payout
:This is paid per share , the more shares you have the higher your dividend payout
:Every member qualify to earn this whether you have recruits or not
Eg the company can decide to pay 5 per share therefore if you have 100 shares you will earn 500 now imagine how much you can earn if you have 3000 shares.
You upgrade or signup with bigger package you enjoy more passive income
International trips
All members of crowd1 qualify for international trips all expenses paid up and to qualify for this years cruise you must reach director star 1
@ crowd1 you can just join And wait quarterly dividends (paid for life) or you can choose or you can networking and getting compensationRecruiting is optional but a better option as well
I love crowd1 and each team the number is increasing .
There is financial freedom with crowd1 it has changed and changing peoples lifestyles
It is a serious business , together we go far so come and join my team (Impossible is nothing )
We do have daily crowd1 Zoom daily sessions as well To motivate everyone. During this time people are becoming billionaires, millionaires and witnesses no regrets at all .
If you know you do not want to stay poor and become more rich join crowd1 today .