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I am  in the exciting process of promoting a major global Marketing Platform launch which will happen in the very near future. This is taking the majority of my focus right now, as I truly believe the days of me needing to manually build my business are finally just about over! I have been involved in internet marketing opportunities for 5 plus years with mediocre results. This platform will not only build my business for me automatically, but will include guaranteed signups using 100% hands-free proprietary AI technology. Once we launch, I will be able to quickly build a residual monthly income of my choosing (within reason of course) using passive technology for many years to come.  

The business is currently recruiting founders at USD97 (latest count 16,000), so someone must be doing something exactly right to attract this many people. I have been involved with this company for 4 months, and I am impressed with the business model, and totally convinced that I won't have to work so hard to build my business anymore. The automatic income will be more than enough. 

I want to share this amazing opportunity with like minded people, as there are so many useless and scammy products and projects everywhere you look. It is hard trying to differentiate between terrible, scam, good and brilliant. This can waste your precious time and even more your Hard earned $$$$. You can spend hours doing your due diligence, and it is almost impossible to find realistic reviews of products and internet opportunities, as many reviewers are really only promoting their own or current project. 

This opportunity is by personal invitation only, but once it goes public there will be  a choice of 4 different sign up memberships  starting from $25 per month. This is a one time cost only, as each months membership fee will be taken out of profits. As an example, the $25 membership level has the potential to return you anywhere form $3 to $59,000 each month dependent on the matrix level you are in. 

I have never ever seen anything like this in all my years of looking, and the calibre, dedication and experience of the exisiting founders is mind blowing. There have been many private webinars, and over the course of the last few months the excitement, belief and enthusiasim has been growing at an incredible rate. The admin of the program and the support staff are all totally honest, extremely transparent and bend over backwards to assit everyone with enquiries and questions. 

What more can I say?  If I haven't convinced you by now, then check out this fantastic opportunity now at

This article was published on 05.03.2019 by Ian Ballantyne
Author's business opportunity:

GoFounders - Income for life, 97 USD to join

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