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Earn More With $10.70 and Share In The Company's Weekly Gross Profit Infinitely

Greetings Members,

This is GOOD NEWS!!! The company is now willing to split 10% of it's Weekly Gross Profit every week with members who have been able to achieve at least the Infinity 1 Level, and has a new HIVE to fill. Members now have the option of choosing what kind of HIVE they want to fill.

Either the HIVE (traditional one) or the EPIC HIVE (new one).


It is in this EPIC HIVE members can share in the company's 10% Gross Profit Sharing. This is a SUPERNOVA!!!

You can only see this if you're an Infinity 1 Level member and above.

This is something you cannot see completely, but will only see it updated on your dashboard when it is launched and added between

Friday 19 & Saturday 20 June, 2020.

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We will still have the traditional HIVE and the EPIC HIVE. And we should have the EPIC HIVE available by the end of this week or early next week.

A person still has the option to complete a HIVE as they do now, with the 2 Reward PIF (Pay In Forward) passes, in each new HIVE, and they still earn $40 each time they complete a HIVE.

In order to switch over to the EPIC HIVE, when it is ready, they will have the option to flip a switch in their backoffice for their HIVE to become an EPIC HIVE. You can only do one HIVE at a time, either a regular HIVE or an EPIC HIVE.

If the EPIC HIVE option is chosen, the member will pay the $10 contribution and their next HIVE will be an EPIC one with no Reward PIF Passes and all 6 places have to be paid for. When a Member has an EPIC HIVE, they will be placed in an empty cell of the HIVE of another member who has yet to complete a first HIVE. That person will become their placement sponsor, only because they are being placed in their HIVE. However, the EPIC HIVE Member will still retain their own original sponsor, as always.

When the Member completes an EPIC HIVE, they will earn $40 and 1 EPIC Point towards the Company's Global Profit Pool. Each completed EPIC HIVE earns you 1 EPIC Point.

Each week, the company will set aside 10% of its gross profits and those profits will be evenly disbursed among the members who earned points for that particular week.

To determine the point value, we take the total amount of the profit pool and divide it by the number of points earned by members for that week.


If the company earns $10,000 for that week.

10% of its Gross Profit $10,000 = $10,000 10% = $1,000

And if the total issued EPIC Points to all members is 10 EPIC Points

EPIC Point Value = $1,000 10 EPIC Points = $100

And I have earned 3 EPIC Points for completing 3 EPIC HIVEs for that week. I will be paid $100 3 EPIC Points = $300.

If an EPIC HIVE Member completed one HIVE that week, they would earn 1 EPIC Point and would receive an additional $100 to their Internal Wallet, paid out on Sunday. If that Member completed 3 EPIC HIVES that week, they would have 3 of those 10 EPIC Points and would receive an extra $300 that week.

Any points that a Member earns, they will always have those points for that week, and will continue to receive from the profit pool every week for their older EPIC HIVE and their NEW EPIC HIVE

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This article was published on 23.06.2020 by Infinity Business
Author's business opportunity:

Infinity - Make Money From Home, 10.7 USD to join

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