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Funnel Stuckers

Hi everybody, Jeff Gergic here. I want to talk to you about Funnel Stuckers. Yes we made up that phrase. But it is exactly what it sounds like. People that get stuck in your funnel. This is the most dangerous and frustrating part of your business. The Funnel Stuckers are those that won’t give you an answer or worse yet are perpetual information gatherers. You know the type, they always want to do more due diligence. For your sanity, run away from these people. Even if you talk them into joining your business, they will never do anything. Why, because they will have to research how everything works. It’s all an excuse to never get started. 

 These “information gatherers” are not and will never be entrepreneurial enough to succeed. Remember you are building a network marketing business, not running an adult daycare business. So what is the right way to get the funnel stuckers out of your funnel? Easy, stick to the process and make some rules. This is your business. 

Here is my suggestion. Besides the information gatherers, there are the “I haven’t looked at it yet” people. There are the “never can seem to find time for a follow up people.” There are the phone dodgers, that never return your calls. Remember, Funnel Stuckers aren’t people that tell you no or give you an excuse why they can’t. We have ways to deal with them. These are the rude people that don’t have the courtesy to make a choice. 

 I think deep down they like being begged. We suggest you don’t do that. If you have to beg them to get in what do you think you will have to do to get them to build? We like the 3 strikes and you are out method. In other words, we will contact them 3 times to try and get them through the funnel., if after the 3rd try they don’t engage, we flush them out of the funnel ourselves. 

 We don’t call them; if we run into them we don’t mention the business. They have been flushed and we have moved on. If they call back or contact you, then you decide if you want to reengage. Remember, this is your business, you invite people to join that you want to work with. 

 Now go put someone in your funnel!

If you are struggling with this part of your business or any other part of Network Marketing, I have something that will make a huge financial difference in your life. Rest assured, I will not prospect you, I will not ask for your information. Click on the link to download a FREE short EBook – Network Marketing Success Principles…How To Succeed In Network Marketing Without Losing Your Mind Or Your Money. 

  It’s a short read and I know it will help you figure out why this business may not be working for you. 


Read the book and contact me if you want to. I will help anyone from any company succeed. NO UPSELL’S, I promise!

This article was published on 07.01.2019 by Jeff Gergic
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