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When is the right time to quit my job?'....

One of the most common questions that comes up in the digital marketing space is…..

“When is the right time to quit my job for my online business?...

Most people answer this with a specific number...

'When you're making $X / month'

Everyone's number will be different. It depends on your country & lifestyle, as well as your financial obligations.

That's fine BUT...

I think just looking at this in $$$s you're making NOW is the wrong way to go about it & is very risky.

The true point to reflect on is...

"How confident am I that I can continue making that money into the future"

Maybe you've got a mortgage to pay?

A family to support?

A car payment coming out every month?

If you don't want to put these things at risk, how much you're making now isn't nearly as important as your ability to repeat it over & over.

How confident are you that you'll be able to craft a killer offer on demand to generate cash?

How confident are you in your sales skills to convert leads into buyers?

How confident are you in your ability to generate leads & create content or advertising that gets them to raise their hand?

These are the true factors you should reflect on because they will give you longevity & stability beyond leaving a job.

Until you're confident in your ability to do these things over & over, across platforms, across products...

You'll feel vulnerable.

And that can be a scary feeling.

The best way to overcome this fear, is to arm yourself with an arsenal of tools & skills that you can deploy at a moments notice to generate cash.

Campaigns & strategies to quickly:

1. Craft a killer offer that gets people to quickly say 'I'm In'

2. Leverage a simple process to convert leads into buyers

3. Engineer hand raising content that hits your ideal customers between the eyes & makes it impossible for them NOT to reach out for more info…

You can learn all this in an amazing training called “The 3 Day Business Breakthrough Challenge”

Jonathan Montoya left his engineering job just over a year ago and soon after….

The global pandemic hit.

He was still able to support himself and his family.

In fact that would be an understatement.

He just recently bought himself a new truck…….cash

When other people are struggling.

You don’t have to struggle....

Go here and join me in the 3 day business breakthrough challenge


Mohammed Yahaya

Digital Entrepreneur

This article was published on 19.12.2022 by Mohammed Yahaya
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