Highest African American Income Earner/network marketing David Imonitie 8pm est
I am personally inviting you to a special zoom call with the highest paid African American income earner in network marketing that just reach the highest level and in the fastest timeframe chairman 750 earning 750,000 per month in one of the most aggressive compensation plans in IM Mastery Academy where we have grown from 150,000 customers at the beginning of the pandemic to 300,000 in the past 90 days. He will be joined to another multi millionaire Dr. Raphael Spiller chairman 100 also from Houston Texas as well. Together they will share their rags to riches story and how they have helped thousands achieve the same by trading in the zforex markets and building g an empire! They said yes to Forex and you should too! Join us tonight by downloading zoom app on your cell phone and enter meeting ID or simply click the link below to join the call or click the second link to join the business and our winning team. Start now and watch your acct grow!
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83890152943?pwd=amdSNTFmODNSRS9Wd0N6VmwzSFV0Zz09 Enter PW187877
Click link to join IM Mastery AcademyWe look forward to having you win with us. 404-386-1501 raquellsmithh18@gmail.com
This company was started by CEO Christopher Terry and his wife CFO Isis De La Torre who both traded with the banks millionaires and billionaires when you had to millionaire a in assets to trade in the Foreign Exchange Market. He wanted anyone and everyone to be able to have the opportunity to change their life and trajectory with the small investment in themselves and not product to order sell or store but learn a skill that you can earn money with from your cell phone or any other electronic device from the comfort of your own home. We have approximately 100+ certified educators who trade live using the copy and paste system and and education platform the contains a series of videos that you can stay plugged into and complete with 48-72 hours and start making money in the worlds largest financial market! The videos and educators are in several languages including Spanish French etc . We trade currencies in over 120 countries and the market is open 24 hours 5days a week . The market opens Sunday 5pm and closes Friday 5pm. Dont waste anymore time! Join this EPIC call and join us tonight!
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