In South Africa many people both young and old are struggling to find employment. Jobs are scarce and our only option now is to become entrepreneurs.
Many have tried to start their own businesses but either end up with a large amount of stock they cannot sell or choose to trust someone else with their money and end up with nothing to show for it but tears. There is no risk or selling involved in our business. Training takes place on a weekly basis and is available for you to access in the comfort of your own home, no travel required.
We are based in South Africa and currently only operational in South Africa. Anyone living in South Africa legally is allowed to join. Everyone interested has to be over the age of 18, have a working South African bank account and internet with either a smartphone or laptop.
If you decide to join our business you will be listed as an independent contractor, you will not be employed but you will receive a printable proof of income statement. This is so amazing as many of us may need to this document to apply for the simplest things just as renting an apartment or taking out a loan.
At NZD wealth creation, our only task is to connect individuals looking to earn a legitimate sustainable income to a financial firm based in S.A. How we do this, is by sharing the company's business presentation link for the person interested to then watch on YouTube. After watching the presentation, the person would then ask us "wealth engineers" questions and after answering them we can then guide them to the company's website.
The financial firm pays wealth engineers on the 17th of every month in three ways:
1. Through their recurring income/passive income/commission R55 per product paid for through you.
2. Through their achiever quest bonuses, in cash for reaching targets. Anywhere between R1 000-R15 000.
3. Through their rank up rewards, for reaching certain milestones in the business or getting promoted. In either cash, cars or annual vacations.
To join is easy and can be done in 5 minutes. You can contact me For more information or guidance.
Kind regards
Barirah Barends/ NZD Wealth Creation.
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