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How to Follow Up

Everyone who is in Network Marketing knows that the Fortune is in the "Follow Up".

What does that mean exactly? What it means is, that people need to hear or see something 7-9 times before they make a purchasing/joining decision. But, it also means that by staying in contact with people even though they didn't want to try your product or service or join your business.

You will have pages upon pages of people to follow up with. So you will never run out of people to talk to. You just have to schedule out your "Follow Up" time. Wait, What? How? Um. I don't know how to do that.

Well, you should. Even though people have told you "no" or "not interested", you should always keep in touch with them. Like I mentioned earlier. It takes 7-9 "exposures" before they make a purchasing or join your business decision. Most of the time, people say no, or not interested because they need more information. What do you need to do? How do you keep track of that?? This is where 95% of people fail at "Follow Up". I was part of that 95%. Until I discovered a follow-up system that worked for me. Let me explain.

You need to devise a system for follow up. Unfortunately, there isn't a one size fits all system for this. This is what I did for me. You can make your own, but this will give you a starting point.

First of all, when I talk with someone. I have a sheet printed out with all their contact information. Then under that is a space where I can keep track of dates I contacted them. Then under that is for notes of the conversations I have had with them. I have 5 - 3 Ring Binders. They are the big ones. 1 is with the 6-inch rings, and the other 4 with the 3-inch rings. 1 is labeled "Leads" These are people I have not contacted yet. It is set up for Days of the Year. I have a schedule page for each day. After I talk with them and find out what their interests are, I place them in Catagories. 1 is Product Lead (2nd Binder) or 2 Business Lead (3rd Binder). 1a. is for if they don't buy right away. That is for the "drip" campaign. 2a is for if they don't join right away. Again drip campaign. 1a and 2a are divided by months. I follow up, 1 time per month. That is the system I use. I hope I helped.

To you success

Ruth Umphrey

This article was published on 07.07.2020 by Ruth Umphrey
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