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Earn money from crowd1 even without recruitment

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Read this to the end, if u want a financial breakthrough this year *(Readers are leaders)* 

The name of the company is called crowd1,the company is located in the united Arab Emirates,the company has been planned from the year 2009 till it was finally opened/uncovered on the 25th of January 2019,the company deals on Euro(€)currencies, the company is not a gambling company , *the companies product is based on teaching/educating people about network marketing and it's value to be a networker, offering profit sharing and generating real customer* ,Example is do you know how rich men get richer and richer is through networking business, because networkers make money from even their sleep,so the company Crowd1 is a networking company, it is a 5minute business which a sharp minded person can understand, Crowd1 is partnering with two companies called "Affilgo" & "Migstar", this two companies gives out owners right every Wednesday ,the owner rights they give out is as a token of becoming a share holder in the company, the Affilgo company has finished giving out it's owners right on 15th of November 2019 after it's lunching on that day,so therefore it's partner Migstar was activated to give out it's owners right aswel, so any new members who join Crowd1 receives 200 owners right,which Worth's up to €400,the owner rights grows like bit coin, *if you can recall what happened the year 2009 when bit coin came out and people where ignoring it, now 2019 just one bit coin is a million+,and dangote invested 300 dollars + on it,and now he is booming, these are men you have the spirit of investment in them* ,so why I told the story about bit coin is because that is exactly what will happen to the owner rights members are given as a token of membership, So now let me tell you the most interesting part in crowd1

(1) when you become a member you will receive 200 instant owner rights.  

(2) Every Wednesday you will receive owner rights from Migstar.  

(3) when you call your friends or even your enemy to join and make money so that he will stop being wicked you will gain money to your account balance 

(4) if your up liner on the business brings in people you will gain a bonus called the potential bonus,this potential bonus can be transferred into your account balance if you recruit members.  

(5) the business is like a tree with two branches the" Right leg" & " Left leg" so when you put one person on the right and one person on the left,you have balance your legs in the business.  

(6)Each person you bring into the business you will earn 36€ each members you bring into the business.  

(7) when the person you bring into the business goes ahead to bring people you will earn more money into your account balance.  

(8) Their is a bonus called fear of loss bonus that is given to every new member of crowd1, this bonus last for 14days,so if you are able to call 4 people to join you and make money within that 14 day's you will be given €3000 depending on the package u recruited  

(9)In crowd1 their are packages one has to buy to become a member, such as #White package# ..#Black package#..#Gold package # and finally..#Titanium package#   

(10)The more you upgrade to higher packages the more your owner right value increases and your monthly flow income will grow aswel   

(11)Crowd1 company is into Gaming's and sports betting and Google online research also,so when people play games online and do sports betting's or do research on Google all crowd1 members will be paid every month.  

(12)Each members of crowd1 earns 5% of the companies profit that means big money.   

(13) If you are a higher level in the business, you will earn 10% of the companies profit every month, which means millions of money every month for the rest of your life.  

(14) As your tree grows(your downliners)as they grow you will earn on each person to your 5th generation(money money money all the way).   

(15)In this business if you call people you move from levels to levels so therefore 1preson is =level 2, 2persons is =level 3, 3persons is =level 4, 4persons =level 5, so that is how you will keep on going up till you reach level 15 of 15th.  

(16)If you reach the level 15 of 15th you will be paid up to 4000€ worth owners right every Wednesday, and you will be invited to Crowd1 cruise ship on May 2020,the flight you take will be free, the Shopping's u make there will be free, your feeding will be free,every single thing will be paid by crowd1 company, you will visit so many place's out side country for 7days enjoyment.   

(17)Members who reached the level 15 of 15th last year went on the cruise ship last year September 11th to 18th,and they enjoyed themselves.  

(18)As your network grows higher and higher,your money will grow like grass because the people you referred brought people and they went wider and wider and wider,I bet you even in your sleep you will be making millions every day and every month.   

(19) the owner right you get determines the amount of money you will receive every three month as a dividends payment, so lets say u have upto 50,000 owner right, you will be making millons to your account for the rest of your life without stress. 

(20)If you grow to the network 15 level (president level) you will earn 1million euro in every month for the rest of your life. So why did I take time to say all this things,this is because a word is enough for the wise,this is 21st century nobody want to give but everybody want to take, so why not give in a minimum amount and receive maximum later, online networking is the best and coolest way to make money. I don't know the problems you are facing but in life if you want to change your life, learn two things✌

((1)) learn to read because readers are leaders. ((2))Take your opportunity to the apex 

If you want to be a member of crowd1 is easy, sign up with your refers link,and pay to activate your account fully ,you can start by buying the white package and later do your upgrade for the flow of more money..

Lastly!!! My dear if you think this is too good to be true, then ask me for more wise informations about the company i will be glad to explain more

This article was published on 12.05.2020 by Martins Chidera
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