Hello, Aarto Salo here.
AN EXCLUSIVE Facebook Group - FREE Facebook group with all the support you'll Need - FREE Bonus Visitors - Get 100 FREE visitors ($80 Value) - FREE Web Pages - DONE FOR YOU high-converting web pages - FREE E-mail System-DONE FOR YOU high-converting pre-written e-mail swipes - FREE Advanced Training - FREE advanced training included for EVERYONE that completes The Basic Training and want to take their business to the next level - All This And So Much More... -100% FREE OF CHARGE!
Why are we offering this all FREE? The reason, one of the biggest dream killers today is lack of knowledge, not knowing where to look for that knowledge and finding the wrong information from the wrong place.
Heres 7 things I wish I knew when I first started online.
1. Build Your List!
Building a list of subscribers is one of the most important things you can do. Right now, you can focus on
building your list in different ways. Email, Chatbots, Groups, Mobile and more.
You should always focus on at least two different list building mediums. That way if something happens
to one, you have a backup and all is not lost.
For example, if you had a Facebook group of 50,000 members and didnt have them subscribed to an
email or mobile list and Facebook shuts down your group or goes bust. You would lose everything!
Always, always, always collect contact points from your prospects.
2. Start Outsourcing ASAP!
You dont need to get a full time VA right away, but you should always delegate as much as possible.
Freeing up your time to focus on the core aspects of your business.
Theres no point spending hours/days learning image editing software, video editing software and
everything else under the sun when you can hire someone to do a much better job for less than you
could earn in that time.
This goes for almost all aspects of your life. If you can make more online per hour than it costs you to
hire a cleaner. Then why wouldnt you hire a cleaner?
3. Become a Producer and Stop Being a Consumer!
I understand that when you first start, you want to learn as much as you can and learn everything, but
youve got to break out of that consumer mentality. A lot of people get stuck here forever for a variety
of reasons. If youre in the learning stages, you cant fail.
Taking action requires you to step out of your comfort zone and put yourself in the spotlight and that
can be scary, but if you keep consuming content and never producing it. Youre going to be here a year
from now, no further towards your dreams or goals.
4. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone and Stop Caring What Other People Think!
Growth lies outside of your comfort zone. If you spend all your time inside it, you will never achieve
anything. Like it or not, video is the most popular medium right now and if you force yourself on camera
you will improve a lot faster than you think. Everyone sucks when they first start, but if you practice, you
will suck a little less each time.Dont let those who have no results dictate to you what you should be doing and how you should be
doing it. When you start to grow, you may get some haters or naysayers and thats totally normal. The
one who pleases everybody is one who says nothing, does nothing and ultimately ends up with nothing
5. Invest In Yourself!
Investing in yourself is one investment that always pays off. If you dont have a lot of money right now. A
few books can be a great investment. If you have the ability to invest more. Live seminars and events are
a great way to learn, grow and network with other like minded individuals.
6. Paid Advertising Is The Fastest Way To Grow Your Business
Unfortunately, free traffic methods are not really free. They require a tremendous amount of time and
effort to start seeing results and although the results may stay long after you finish your efforts. If you
want to test and grow offers. You will want to utilize paid traffic to get immediate feedback on whether
an offer is a winner or not.
When using paid ads, make sure you are growing your list at the same time so you can reach your
prospects/customers over and over again. This turns the traffic into traffic you own instead of traffic you
have to pay for.
7. Enjoy The Journey!
When I first started in this business, I took everything way too seriously and worked myself half to
death. Of course, I want to make hundreds of millions etc. but remember the journey that has got you to
where you are. The highs, the lows, growing, learning, making friends and partnerships, etc.
Learn to love and enjoy the journey instead of obsessing over the end goal. :-)
Keep an eye out for my email tomorrow and we will get into some actionable steps to boost your online
business.Grab it now here for FREE
To your success,
Aarto Salo
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