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Avoid the Wheelchair Prison by Losing Weight After 70!

If your vitamins & minerals are working for you-Great! 

However, if you have never heard about the 90 Nutrients Needed to Sustain Life & if your founder does not have education credentials as a Naturopathic Physician & if your founder does not have an article published in the Smithsonian Museum then perhaps you should consider a change?!

I have been a customer for +5 years, have lost +60 pounds, and now at age 76 I still ["Swing-Walk"] walking 3 <=> 31/2 miles, 4xs weekly, uswing weights, CALLED swing weights, eat 1 1/2 meals per day and starting a weight training program in about 30 days. 

Because of recently completed DNA testing & subsequent DNA health testing, I will be adding a new niche of genealogy for the visitor. Within 30 <=> 45 days I will be purchasing a service that advertises being able to go back approximately 50 generations; they also have a 'Health DNA' option; then I will do a comparison of the two for those considering to start a similar 'Niche.'

Additionally, I am 'monetizing' my site through a comprehensive eBook software program that includes creation, editing, publishing & promotion functionalities; most recently a 'Traffic Generating' Application has been added which has already started to increase my traffic; even though I just started using this new option last night. I have also purchased two new programs that are A.I. [Artificial Intelligence] based & I am really looking forward to completing the Video Tutorials so that I can implement into my website.

So, lastly,  if I have 'Tickled your Ears' visit my website and learn how my Website started as a result of all paper trails left behind by parents; also includes weight-loss [after 70] & RVN Niches and visit my weight loss page. YGYi also has a Great Affiliate Program, which you may want to consider. 

So, do you Know Anybody Who Might Be Interested in Something Like This???

This article was published on 09.09.2020 by HERMAN C WALL JR
Author's business opportunity:

YGYi - 90 Nutrients 4 Life!, 65 USD to join

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