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Location Data - NOT The New Oil, Better!

Did you know your location data is valuable?  You go everywhere with your phone and app developers are right there with you! Free apps aren't really free. You pay by allowing your data to be sold.

Right now there are 50-plus companies already using your data. They are selling it to advertisers, but you don't get a dime.  

You along with thousands of other mobile phone users have given permission for multiple apps on your phone to share your data. Anonymously they are selling the location of your last stop, however, without personal information as that is illegal.

WE Have What They Want

Hundreds of thousands of dollars are being spent by advertisers to companies like Google or Meta for instance. But the question is, who is paying YOU for your data? How would you like to get paid for what the advertisers want?

There are about 6 billion smartphone users all over the world. They all produce anonymous location data which then makes data a true high-demand commodity as the new oil!

The giants of the tech world – Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have more information regarding our everyday interaction with our mobiles than we ever will. They collect data from tens of millions of users every day!

What Does The App Do?

It allows you to keep your favorite locations on file in the App. Remember where that great restaurant in Mexico is located, or where you first met your spouse?  Store those location memories and recall them when you need to. This feature is free without the $3.99 affiliate subscription. Simple. 

What About Saturation? How long has this been marketed?

This is the ground floor with Instant Recall. About 7000 users of the app exist in America today. Approximately 60K users exist worldwide.  We're just over a year since beta testing. The market is wide open.

Note:  The Instant Recall App is not available in Africa

How Can I Get Paid For My Data?

It is easy to get paid for your data by referring others to this Instant Recall Mobile App. 

Your data is published and compiled daily along with your referrals to commercial data platforms. All are legal and compliant with global privacy laws. Then you are paid monthly according to your referrals and all of their efforts in obtaining referrals. 10 good subscribed referrals are enough to earn thousands per month due to exponential growth down to only 4 levels.

Let's Help Someone In Need!

Along with the benefit to affiliate members of this program, Instant Recall has partnered with Feed and will provide 5 meals each month to the less fortunate here in America for every paid subscription.

Most people can afford $3.99/mo. Your first 4 referrals pay for your monthly subscription. If that $3.99 could help feed 5 people per subscription, how many people can we help feed every month as we share this residual opportunity?   It's not all about us, is it?

Our Data Will Be in Demand

Soon, android and iPhones will have a feature that allows the user to turn OFF the location tracking data completely.. then who will the advertisers look to for data in which to implement marketing of products, services, and ideas? They will look for us!

We will be the only data resource for advertisers because we will have the app installed on our phones. Globally there will be available data because sharing will allow users to grow exponentially! All subscribed users will get paid!

     How Do I Get Involved?

Connect with me. I will send you the zoom link, updates to any new marketing videos, payment app info, and information about the app and how it works. Or sign up first with my referral link, bring others to the zoom and the meeting will explain. Looking ONLY for those who believe that generational wealth is possible!

Connect  with me for links

Join a Zoom Meeting, Monday and Thursday Evenings - at 7 PM EST and Saturday Morning - at 11 AM EST

Watch this video

My Referral Link.

Using my link? Provide your email address for access to training and success tips. Thanks

  I will be an encouragement when there is discouragement, as many people who like to sit around and say it won't work are not healthy and wealthy enough to know what works. Tell them to look at Netflix and its over 221 million subscribers at $9.99 +/mo. They started with just a few hundred. 

For an insignificant $3.99 a month, it's worth a try for a few months. If you don't believe it's possible, please just pass on this announcement. I bid you blessings in other endeavors. 

Note  The Instant Recall App is not available in Africa 

This article was published on 31.05.2022 by Marina Jacobs
Author's business opportunity:

LGM Enterprises, LLC - Mobile App Income, 3.99 USD to join

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Ken Allison Can you send me a invite to Thursdays Zoom Meeting. I live in the UK, looking to join this opportunity with individual who is part of a group that have regular Zoom Webinar .  2 years ago

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