Business opportunity in Network marketing
My name is Irma Scheepers, your upline and will guide you throughout your success journey......
WhatsApp nr: 0827592394
I came across this amazing company, My Daily Choice, that offers us all the wonderful opportunity to start our own businesses. To sign in is absolutely free.
Just follow me, step by step to get started.
Watch the Presentation about this business Oppertunity to know more.
Presentation - My daily choice.
( Let me know as soon as you finish watching that I can send step:2 for you)
More info about this Opportunity:
Follow My link to sign up for your Free Business.
My link:
(Sign up guidance)
-CLOSE die corona screen..
-Scroll all the way down tot JOIN MY FAMILY..
-Choose affiliate to become a business partner.
-Fill in all your details (Use easy username and password). Something like :
-User: Your name and surname
- Password: Something you will remember
-Ownership name: (can be the same as your username)
- If everything is filled in, check all the terms and conditions and choose continue. *You are now registered* .
-DOWNLOAD the MDC genius app on "appstore"
-Full in all your details to Create your own Website and own mine above.
If you are struggling to sign up, please let me know, so that I can help you. If you achieved to get your link, please send me your that I can see if you are signed up correctly.
Step: 4
-DOWNLOAD the ZOOM App on your "appstore".
This will help you to get free, live training on all the products and Business Opportunity for you and new prospects to join and learn. Real stories of live changing experiences of the products and Business Opportunity. This will also help you to know your team and become family with everyone on this success road.
Lets all visit the daily training
@ 2PM or 8PM
Zoom pin: 309557153
Invite your new prospects everyday for free training to do the same as you.....learn.