Get out of your Comfort Zone!
There's a saying by Jimmy Johnson, "The difference between ordinary and extraordinary is that little extra". Ever given that much thought?
It appears that a huge percentage of the population live within their "comfort zone". Why do we call it a comfort zone if in fact, we seem to be living with restrictive thoughts, fear of the future, fear of failure, a desperate need to conform, limited income and for sure, limited joy? Where's the comfort in that?
I wonder if some of our fear comes from a belief that there's a black and white "failure" and "success", that failure is taboo and success is to be revered. But what is success? Is there a grey area inbetween? How long did it take to succeed (and how many times did you fail before you got there?). We don't tend to hear the stories about the journey, just the final destination, and so, I think, we equate success with perfection. Perfection is unattainable. Back to square one with our fear of failure, the future, limited income ......
What if we decided to be part of the 2% Club. The club that gives us permission to go for our dreams with confidence, embracing the unknown, the likely failures, but still looking with joy and excitement towards a life without limits? What if we committed to a vision and went forward with passion?
What if we made a decision to be happy and successful no matter what?
What if we chose to put ourselves first? Radical !!
I've posed many questions, I know. I don't have all the answers, but deep down I believe you do. I believe it's up to each one of us to ask these questions of ourselves and go into our soul to find the answers. Your answer is likely to be very different from mine, but it's yours, so run with it. Be happy. Be successful. Choose joy.
My name is Zsuzsa, or Ziggy. If you have the passion and commitment to live a full life, my business may just be what you need. Imagine combining business with pleasure! Please visit my website and let me know if you would like to learn more.
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