The Art of Land Buying as a Group on $40 a Month
In today’s economic many aspiring landowners are considering partnering with hunting buddies, family members or friends to pool financial resources, reduce potential risk, and buy land, even if it is only a partial share of the ownership, well, this is the mindset behind the Nvzshyn Nation asset building. We are not real estate agents, and make no claims about the potential profit or prosperity of such an undertaking. The things we know are based on basic research, and as with any program we suggest you complete your own due diligence.
The Nvzshyn Nation researchers work to locate large parcels of land to purchase with club funds and divide amongst members during what we call the land invasion quarter. The land invasion simply means we hire real estate consultants to speak at conferences, the focus reading is on profitability of various types of real estate, and the asset of the quarter is real estate.
Why do we focus on real estate? Land is a non renewable comidety meaning therr will never be more of it. This makes it a viable asset for profiting of you capitalize on the potential.
Why group buy? Most people recognize the value of land ownership, however, many cannot afford to to buy quality parcels. The only way to get a good price is to be able to purchase in bulk. Which sounds better to your pocket 80 acres at $300,000.00 (which is a quarter acre for less than $1000.00), or a quarter acre for $9500.00? For me its a no brainer. I prefer the cheaper rate of a group purchase, and I do not mind being around like minds. A group purchase helps to put the network in networking. The above numbers are just an example. Sometimes cost is higher and sometimes lower. It is all about the best deals the researchers can locate.
The sole purpose of the Nvzshyn Nation is asset building together. No where in the Nvzshyn Nation is this more obvious than in the asset building portions, because it is through the act of group buying that we achieve the success of networking. When we buy land as a group there are no extra fees, with the purchase. Taxes and unkeep are the responsibility of the member that owns the parcel. Remember, members of Nvzshyn Nation are creating a foundation for financial success, not a get rich quick item. Rich is momentary, wealth is continual
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