Say Entreperneur
Just curious about your business opportunity: Does it make it easy for you so that you can get the lifestyle and time freedom you deserve? I have and I am loving the simplicity. It pays twice a week. Average commission on one sale is $900. No license required! Veterans or their family members enrollment is waived. (Mother, father, brother, sister, grandparent, child)Is the company 15 years old and A+ BBB rated?Does it ACH your money directly to your bank account? Or do you need to rely on some Paypal payment from one of your team members? (You know that is hindering your success and making your opportunity look less than legitimate, don't you?)Do you have an Associate Support Line that is answered, by an English speaking person five days a week during MST business hours, to help you build your business? (Utah)Once you sell your product, do you need to do the Client Support on it yourself, or is there a home office staff dedicated to that purpose? Does your business reward you for your team building expertise with lucrative, Residuals, Over-rides, Spreads, Splits, Bonus Pools and Trips? If you can not answer yes to all of these questions, I don't believe that you are in the right business. Why are you wasting your precious time when you could be making real money and building real wealth for your family? With us, you get to start out earning an income as lucrative as the insurance field without a license. Then as you replace your day job you can focus on getting your license and earn even more, but only if you choose! Register for an upcoming webinar inside our group to learn all about team-building with us. Who understands that most people need to be relieved of their debt way more than they need a side-hustle? That's not to say a Side-Hustle is bad. Quite the contrary. A Side hustle will allow one to itemize and take advantage of the tax code. As long as we're talking about that, Who also realizes that educating oneself about advantages in the tax code is a far better way to initially spend time and money learning about home-based business than jumping from one side-hustle to the other?But. Even in what I have said, it won't be easy. It will take hard work and dedication to task for the lifestyle that you want to get used to becoming a reality. However, If what you have read makes sense, ask me how you can join me.
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