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Stage 3 is coming soon. Become a coowner today!

STOs (Security Token Offerings) are fast changing the field of fintech. STO investors are offered safe and transparent direct investments in companies and segments of the marketplace.

Security tokens are a highly regulated securities and are digital shares of a company/companies backed by real assets. The owners of security tokens have the right to dividends, as well as the right to vote. At the same time, blockchain technologies provide complete transparency of processes and investment safety.

On February 10, 2021, UGPay Group AG, a Swiss company, opened a unique opportunity to become a co-owner of the Global Investment Portfolio through the purchase of its WorldCRU (WCRU) security token to anyone, including small investors starting from 10 US dollars, as per the legal regulations of the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

Over 30,000,000 million tokens were sold during the first stage.

As of the date of this business announcement, 32,837,706.71 have been sold.

On the 1st April 2021, in accordance with the schedule, the company moved to stage 2 of WCRU roll out, which led to an increase in the cost of the token. Since the cost of the token will only become more expensive and bring more and more profit to its holders with each transition to the successive stage, now is the time to join.

You see the WCRU derives its value from the value of the portfolio and in 2020, this portfolio was independently valued at $11.6B.

Do you want to become a co-owner of real assets spanning 20 sectors of the market place and claim a part of its profits?

Do it now!

You can become a holder of WCRU security tokens here (Free registration and KYC verification is required).


Watch this short video….. UG Pay Group AG


Some of the projects you will coown when you hold WCRU…..


• Our blockchain is fast – 0.5 seconds block generation time.

• Our blocks hold up to 10,000 transactions

• Delegated proof of stake

• No commission when transferring a token

Payment gateway

• Open for businesses to have their own payment gateway

• Think PayPal on steroids.

• Change fiat to crypto and vice versa without banks interfering.

Do you know what bail-ins are???

Did you know banks can take your savings to prop up their equity?

We own gold mines

• Gold mines in various locations in the world are already producing.

There are so many projects. Some in their infancy and some established. If you hold WCRU, you are coowner of all these projects.

What’s even better, with our structure of MLCI, you not only earn income from holding WCRU, you can earn now money by sharing this with others.

So why are we doing this???????

You see we have a mission:


• Educate one third of the world's population with financial and investment education, thus putting the power in the hands of the people.

• Personal development – Become a professional rather than a novice. Some of our leaders have featured on Eric Worres GoPro 2020.

• Mindset and thinking of wealthy people. Learn how the big boys think!


* Enabling people around the world to become co-owners, stakeholders (entrepreneurs), and shareholders of the most profitable companies on the planet, thus bringing peace to the world.


• To create a single global and sustainable corporation in which everone actively participates.

You can choose from any one of our multiple projects and build a real business for yourself.


It is free to register and minimum WCRU package is $10US. Most people start with $200 worth and build from there.

If you want to take this seriously, take the plunge and invest $1000 US and get exclusive access to closed meetings whereby the company opens their books and shares commercially sensitive information. (You must sign an NDA before access if given.)

So if you are looking and want to become part of our evolution and create a legacy for future generations, then I would love you to connect with me.

If you already having a thriving business, then invest 10% of what you earn and start accumulating WCRU and watch it grow.

The choice is yours.


As Uncle Sam said, “WE NEED YOU!”

This article was published on 28.07.2021 by Tracy King (previously Ward)
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