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My Traffic Partner Review

Traffic Central


Frank Salinas is launching a new site called "My Traffic Partners" and if you join right now, you are going to be one of the very first traffic partners of the site.

The Breakdown:

1- There will only be two levels A free level and a partner level The partner membership is going to be monthly membership, but you can get in now and never have to pay monthly. Your savings as a partner are going to equal hundreds if not thousands of dollars two, three, four years from now.

2- How the Site works:
The site's going to be worked by the members earning priority points and the more priority points you have the more often your ads show. It is very simple, so members can click on ads to earn priority points based on the efforts of the member's clicks. The more the member clicks the more priority points they get causing their ads to show more often. As a partner your ads are going to show 75 percent of the time Free members get three ads while Partners get ten. The partner member 's ads show all the time, but free members ads only show twenty-five of the time. Again, the partner's ads show seventy-five of the time and that is one of the benefits of being upgraded. Free members can get half a point for every site they click on, and partners can get one point for every site they click on so remember, this is going to be based on effort, so the more ads’ people click on the more priority their ads get. Another cool thing about the site is you are going to be able to earn priority points and if you display the ads when you make link trackers or when you promote the splash Pages or when you add the viral ad code to your own websites or membership areas. When those ads get displayed you earn a small percentage of priority points which gives your sites more priority. We are going to make sure the ads stay fresh, so free members ads last 14 days while partner ads last 28 days now after they expire you can just reactivate them with one click. Now all members are going to get traffic from other members views and member ads in the members area but also from link trackers and from Splash pages and even to the viral ad code that members are going to paste on their own websites and remember all people are going to see free ads 25% of the time and upgraded at 75 of the time

3- Bonus Benefits:
All members are going to be able to win prizes for clicking on ads. Now let me explain to you what you win. You're going to get a chance to win priority points for clicking on ads, you can win login ads, win pop ad and on top of that members who click on ads will also have the opportunity to win additional ad slots so not only can you have three as a free or 10 as a partner but you can win additional ad slots. And each ad slot lasts 14 or 28 days depending on your membership level. So, are you seeing why it would be a great idea to become a partner right now? You are going to pay one time to get in now and be one of the first to join when it launches.

4- Commissions:
Free members could earn 25% recurring commission and partners are going to earn 50% recurring commissions and in addition to that, if anyone buys any kind of advertising, free members are going to earn zero percent commissions on any ads that their referrals buy and as a partner you're going to earn 25 percent of any advertising any of your referrals earned so that's this extra cash for referring people .

a)- Extra Bonuses for Partners:
I think I have saved the Best for Last, by you getting in now, I am going to give you a special squeeze page that I made and the only people that get one are partners. I give partners that squeeze page so they can upload it to their hosting and can start getting people on their list now. Then partners can talk about the launch that is coming and offer to get their referrals in on your list now and be on the notification list because when the site launches, they are going to be able to upgrade at a super huge discount. On top of that we will also give them some extra bonuses when the site launches so they can get in now while the investment is only thirty-seven bucks. That is right, you pay $37 one time, and you will never have to pay again to be a partner. Remember there are going to be two membership levels. Free or monthly and as an upgraded partner you are going to earn monthly recurrent commissions. The cost of the upgrade is going to be twenty dollars at the beginning. When we first launch it is going to be at a discount, but you are going to earn 50% of that recurring Commission and on top of that if anyone buys ads, you're going to get 25% of that advertising that they buy as well. So, remember, pay $37 once and never have to pay a monthly fee to be a partner and get in now.

5- My Traffic Partner:
This site is going to be a traffic site, it is not going to have safe lists or solo ads or anything like that, so it is going to be able to attract a lot of people that don't want to receive a lot of emails. You want to be able to attract both types of people, people to like credit emails and do not mind email marketing and those that just like viewing cool ads.

Join Us Now
Michael Harris
My Traffic Partners   728x90.gif

This article was published on 12.07.2023 by Michael Harris
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