Day 3 of the 7 Biggest Challenges Facing the Growth of Your Business
As promised, here is the 3rd day of our journey on discovering the 7 biggest challenges facing our business growth today. As a reminder, here is the opening information and the 7 challenges.
To recap, here is the start and the 7 challenges listed out.
The Top 7 Biggest Challenges in Growing Your Business in 2020
In 2020 the challenges in growing any business seem to be growing. Each month I take the information that all of my new connections/Facebook fans/leads/prospects etc. share with me to better understand what the main challenges we face in moving our businesses forward. I won’t pretend to have all the answers as we are all on this journey together. What I can tell you is marketing today isn’t easy. But also remember that there is a vast difference between simple and easy.
The answers to the biggest challenge question fit into 7 main categories. Those being:
1. Frustration with the telephone – no return calls and no one ever answers the phone anymore
2. Having the latest information on ways to grow my business. Tips, techniques, new school vs. old school ways, dealing with people’s doubt and cynicism of my opportunity and having them engage with the awesome information I have to share with them.
3. Having a consistent supply of people/leads to show what I have to them.
4. Finding people’s true pain point so I can tailor what I have to their needs and make sure I provide a solution to their pain
5. Team building. I can sell my products but can’t seem to find people that want to build.
6. Finding the right company that won’t go out of business, bow to the FTC and won’t change the compensation plan and take all of my hard-earned money away
7. Balancing work, family and business life and keeping it in harmony
Let’s take each of these challenges a day at a time.
Today we will talk about the 3rd challenge, that of having a consistent supply of people/leads to show what we have to them.
Before we talk about today’s topic, I wanted to let you all know that this is the time of year when our prospects are going to come back at you with a ton of the typical excuses. I have to wait and see how my taxes come out, I have to see how my holiday spending shakes out on my cards, it’s too cold out, etc. etc. etc. blah blah blah. Don’t get me wrong, I understand those things but guess what? They HAPPEN EVERY YEAR FOR ALL OF US! Life doesn’t stop or pause just because it’s tax time, right? Ok, rant over, but with that said, these first fes months are the absolute most powerful months to set up the rest of your 2020 for you and your business. Ok, back on topic…
Leads, prospects and people to talk with about our business can be and often is the largest challenge that my contacts share with me. How do I share what I have with more people and how can I share it with more qualified individuals? Isn’t that the nut that we all want to crack? Old School methods and New School methods both require a never-ending supply of people with which to implement these methods with. Let’s take them separately.
Old School Methods
1. Make your initial list of 100 people that you know, are related to, work with, use their services (hair stylist, mechanic, doctor etc.) and have all contact information listed as well. Phone numbers and emails as well as Facebook profiles/pages.
2. Carry business cards/opportunity cards with you wherever you go. Place them on bulletin boards in gas stations and grocery stores, leave them in books at the bookstore (think self-help or business-related books), leave them on expensive looking automobiles in parking lots (Lexus, Mercedes, BMW, Cadillac)
3. Become a master at making new conversations with people around you. Think of situations like at the grocery store while waiting to check out, at the gas station when you are filling up with gas, at the mall (sit by the area where tired shoppers or those with shoppers sit to wait for their clan to be done shopping) do this especially this time of year with all the people doing shopping, when dining out, make sure to work the conversation with you server.
4. Once your warm market list is exhausted, go to what some call a secondary 100 list. These would be friends of friends, influencers in your city, church or other organization, successful people in your circle, coaches/teachers of your children or of children you know etc. This will get you another list to do 3-way calls with, invite to home parties/hotel meetings etc.
Before we get to “New School Methods” I have a confession to make. WRITING THE ABOVE OLD SCHOOL METHODS OUT WAS PAINFUL FOR ME TO DO!!
Old school was how I was taught. It is how I was “brought up” in the business. I can’t tell you how difficult if not impossible it would be for me to go back to those ways of building my business! So, what do I do differently today? I do THIS: HERE NOW!
Now, back to our learning. TIME IN!!
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